Chapter 39

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I entered the kitchen and plastered a smile on my face. The boys smiled back and Ponyboy and Johnny sat back down.
"Ramsey, can we talk to you?" Darry held his hand out toward the empty seat infront of me. I knew this would happen sooner or later. I was just hoping it would be later. I sat down next to Soda and he held my hand. Ponyboy cleared his throat.
"Ramsey, we've noticed some changes in you lately." Ponyboy said as he bounced his leg under the table.
"Really? Like what?" I asked.
"We'll, we've noticed you've stopped eating and you're losing weight. You're less cheery than usual. You've gotten paler. We're worried about your health." Darry said as he twirled his thumbs.
"I'm fine. Really, I am. I'm just dealing with everything that's happened. I'll be okay." I could tell they didn't fully believe me. I didn't believe myself either. I started to feel uncomfortable just sitting here.
"We should probably get you back to bed, love." I stood up. Soda turned toward me and I bent down so he could put his hands on my shoulders. I got Soda up and started to walk out of the kitchen.
"Night boys." I said.
"Night, Ramsey." The boys answered in unison.
    I got Soda back to his room. He laid down and grunted in pain. I reached over to the nightstand to get more bandages and Soda gently grabbed my arm. I flinched a bit. I looked at Soda and saw the pain and sadness in his eyes.
"Ramsey, please talk to me." He begged.
"What's there to talk about, Soda? I'm fine." I grabbed the bandages and started to clean Soda's wound. It was healing nicely.
"No, Ramsey. You're not. I know I've been sleeping a lot and I know that's been hard on you. But just sitting at the table, I noticed your weight-loss, your paler skin. I can help you. I can do anything for you." Soda said, his voice was low and gravely. He's trying to stay awake.
"I know that, Soda. It's just that.." I paused staring down at my hands cleaning Soda's wound.
"It's just what, honey?" Soda asked holding my hand. I looked up into Soda's eyes.
"It's just that... I'm past helping, Soda."

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