Chapter 33

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I stood in front of the door to my home. I could budge. I was so scared. I didn't know what waited behind these doors for me. I knew I had to face this thing head on. I put the key in the dead bolt and turned it. Click. Dead bolt was unlocked. I put the key in the door knob. Click. Step 1, done. Now all I had to do was step inside. I turned the golden knob and pushed the door. It squeaked loudly as it swung open. I took a deep breath and stepped inside. I immediately felt like something was watching me. Not two seconds later I heard the sound I dreaded. The land line started to ring. I quietly walked over to the receiver and picked up the phone.
Heavy breathing.
"Dad?" I felt my eyes bulge out as my dad's voice drifted through the speaker. He sounded hurt and weak.
"It's all your faaault... You could have saved uuussss..."
"Dad... I..."
Click, dial tone.
I hung the phone back up. I felt the tears I had been holding back fall from my eyes. I turned away from the wall. I was so angry that this thing was tormenting me. I stood in the middle of my living room. I balled up my fists in rage.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I screamed. I was so angry and frustrated. I felt my whole body go cold and stiff. Then it whispered in my ear.
I felt it touch my back. Then all I saw was darkness.

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