Chapter 28

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   "This is all your fault!  Why didn't you just run away when you had the chance? You stupid worthless piece of shit! I can't believe I ever called you my daughter! If you had just called someone and got picked up, you wouldn't have gotten raped! And your father and I would still be alive!"

   "Mom, I'm sorry! I know it's my fault!"

   "You'll burn in Hell for what YOU did!"

   "Mom stop! You're hurting me! STOP! I'm sorry!"


    "Ramsey! Ramsey!" I felt someone shaking me awake and yelling my name. It was Soda. I opened my eyes to see Soda's features contorted in fear.

   "What's wrong?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

   "You were screaming in your sleep. You're crying, honey." Soda wiped a tear off my cheek. I didn't even realize I was crying. I wiped my face with my hands. What was wrong with me? I was I dreaming that? MY own mother was torturing me. Am I blaming myself for them dying? Of course I am. Everything is my fault. Or so I think.

   "It's all my fault Soda. It's my fault they're dead. I should have left with Ponyboy or I should have called you. Then Randy wouldn't have raped me and my parents would still be alive. It's all my fault..." I buried my face in my hands and started crying again. Soda pulled my hands away from my face and tilted my head up to look him in the eyes.

   "Ramsey Lynn Moore, you're parents dying was not your fault. It will never be your fault. Do you understand me?" Soda said in a stern voice.


   "But nothing Rams. Randy should have never laid a hand on you. If you want to blame somebody for them dying, blame Randy."

   "Why?" Was all I could ask.

   "Because if he would have never touched you, you never would have ended up in the hospital and we never would have had to call your parents." Soda cupped my face in his hands. He touched our foreheads together and we both closed our eyes.

   "It will never be your fault.." He whispered to me. He kissed my forehead. I look up at Soda and planted a kiss on his lips. I couldn't help it. I had to be close to Soda. I needed him at this moment. So I never broke the kiss. I kept kissing him and kissing him and kissing him. Soon, we were laying down and kissing. I knew it wasn't going any farther than this. He traced invisible figures on my hips and drug his fingers up my sides. I kept my fingers tangled in his hair. I wanted to forget about my dream. I just wanted to focus on Soda and Soda only. He's the only one who kept me sane. The last thing I remember before falling asleep again was Soda wrapping me up in blankets.


   I woke the next morning to the smell of breakfast being made. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed causing a twinge of pain to form in my lower abdomen. My hand flew to the area of pain and I slowly stood up. I grabbed my crutches and headed out to the kitchen. I saw Soda standing at the stove without a shirt on and his sweatpants he was wearing were low on his hips. I saw his hip bones and they were magnificent. not to mention a V-Line and a six pack. I was so fucking lucky to have him.

   "Morning Ramsey. How are you feeling?" Soda smiled at me.

   "Uh... better." I was to mesmerized looking at Soda to immediately answer him. He just chuckled at me and placed two plates on the dinning room table.

   "Aren't you going to join me?" He asked pulling out a seat for me. I smiled and nodded. I took my seat across from Soda were we enjoyed our breakfast together.

Ramsey's Worst Nightmare (a Sodapop fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now