Chapter 3

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*A/N* Hey guys!!! So I got home sooner than I expected so I decided to update because I have nothing better to do. I should probably warn you that Ponyboy will appear in this story a lot because my friend likes Ponyboy a lot as well so I thought I'd add him in too. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!!! _____________________________________________________________________________

*Ramsey's P.O.V.*

I felt someone softly rest their arm across my stomach. I looked over my shoulder and I saw Sodapop still asleep. I smiled softly and kissed his nose. I took his arm off me and slipped out of bed. I spotted one of his shirts laying on the floor. I took mine off and slipped it on. I walked out of Sodapop and Ponyboy's room and the smell of eggs hit my nose. I closed my eyes, savoring the smell. I entered the kitchen to see Darry at the stove and Ponyboy and Johnny sitting at the table drinking chocolate milk. "Morning guys." I yawned and the boys looked up at me. "Morning, Ramsey. You hungry?" Darry asked setting two plates in front of Ponyboy and Johnny. "Sure. Soda's still asleep though." I pointed my thumb behind me as I sat down in the chair across from Johnny. He was poking around his plate. He didn't look up. I could tell he was hiding something. I looked at Ponyboy and I pointed at Johnny, giving the 14-year-old a confused look. He shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, Johnny?" I asked, tapping the table in an attempt to get him to look up. "Y-Yea?" He stuttered. "Look at me." I said calmly. He looked up and what I saw was horrific. Ponyboy dropped his fork onto his plate and put a hand over his mouth. He looked like he just saw someone just have their brains explode out of their head. I felt my face go white and I stopped breathing. Johnny had a huge bruise down the whole left side of his face, his right eye was completely swollen shut, his bottom lip was twice as big with a cut down the middle, and he had blood in the corner of his mouth. I turned to get Darry's attention and he was already looking at Johnny, tears of pure anger were rimming his eyes. I looked at Ponyboy. His eyes were squeezed tight as tears rolled down his face. He was still covering his mouth. I looked back at Johnny and he was shaking and crying silently. I got up from my chair and sat in the free chair next to Johnny. "Johnnycake, who did this to you?" I said grabbing his shaking hand. "M-My dad." Johnny muttered. "Why did you go back home, Johnny?" Ponyboy asked, his voice quivering a bit. "My dad called after everyone was asleep. I answered it and he told me I had to get my ass home now. So I went home and that's when he did this to me. I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad at me." Johnny begged. He started bawling. I hugged him and he buried his face into my shoulder. I started to stroked his still un-greased hair. "Shh, Johnny. Its okay. No one's mad at ya. We're just worried about you." I tried to calm him down. I slid my hand down his arm and I felt something bumpy on his wrist. I looked down at his wrist and I almost cried. Cut after cut. Some fresh and some old. Some deep and some as shallow as a paper cut. "Oh my god. Johnny what did you do?" I asked, my voice cracking. He just looked up at me and sobbed. He opened his mouth to talk but all that came out was a squeak like noise. Ponyboy could see his wrist from where he was sitting. It all clicked together in his head. "But why, Johnnycake? Why?"Ponyboy asked, finally breaking. Johnny pulled away and walked into the doorway. He wiped his eyes and sniffled. The boys and I watched him with tears running down our faces. "I-I'm worthless. My dad tells me that everyday. Why would he lie to me? He always said the truth hurt and he obviously likes hurting me." Johnny wrapped his tan arms around himself and looked to his right, trying to avoid eye contact. Ponyboy stood up and started speaking everyone's mind, "Johnny you are not worthless. You are an amazing person. Don't listen to him. If your asshole of a father wanted to hurt you he wouldn't tell you the truth, he would lie to you. Because lies hurt worse than the truth. So he's obviously is lying to you. He wouldn't tell you the truth to hurt you. He would lie to you. Just like he did when he said you are useless. You're my best friend. I would be lost without you. Dally wouldn't even be Dally without you. The whole gang would fall apart without you. You're the glue that holds this gang together, man. We need you Johnathan Andrew Cade." Pony finished. That's the first time I've ever heard Pony cuss or even use Johnny's full name. I didn't even know Johnny had a middle name. "Ponyboy's right Johnny." Darry finally spoke. You could see the tears gleaming off his face. Then an idea struck me. What if Johnny came and stayed with me? I know my house is having noise issues and everything but when my parents were home nothing ever happened. Maybe if Johnny lived with me he would stop being abused and I wouldn't worry so much about the attic. "Johnny, what if you came and stayed with me? Your parents don't know where I live." I stood up, looking him in the eyes. I saw a glimmer of hope flash in his dark orbs. But it left his eyes just as quickly. "I would be honored, Ramsey. But what about your parents?" Johnny asked. "They sleep in the basement. They wouldn't care. I would just have to give them a call and inform them." I smiled at him. Darry looked at me. "You know where the phone is." Darry smiled. I walked into the living room and just as I was about to pick up the phone I heard someone softly crying. I walked closer to Ponyboy and Sodapop's room. The crying was coming from their room. I opened the door and saw Soda sitting on the bed crying. "Soda? Are you okay?" I knelt down in front of him and put my hand on his knee. "Is it true about Johnny? Did he really cut himself?" Soda asked through tears. "Yea. It is. I guess you heard all that, huh?" He nodded his head. "Can Johnny really stay with you? I don't know what Pony or Dally would do if Johnny died." He put his head back into his hands. "I'm going to call my parents and tell them. Then we'll go and get his stuff." I squeezed his knee. He hugged me, "Thank you, Ray." He whispered. We pulled away and I walked back out into the living room to call my parents. I finally got off the phone with them and as I suspected, they were fine with him staying with us. My mom always wanted a boy. I told Johnny and he smiled in relief. "Thank you so much, Ramsey." He beamed. "Let's go get your stuff. Your parents are gone right?" He nodded. The boys and I walked to Johnny's empty house, excited that we were finally getting Johnny away from his parents.

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