Chapter 16

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*Mac's P.O.V.*
I woke up to a bright light shining on my eyes. As I opened the. I saw two figures sitting in the chairs next to my bed. They appeared to be sleeping. As my eyesight came into focus I could tell it was Ramsey and Ponyboy. They hadn't left all night. I could feel the pain setting in and it was excruciating. My throat was dry and sore. I knew it would be hard to talk to anyone for awhile. Every bone in my body felt broken. I felt nausea and dizzy. I needed something to drink. I really wanted a milkshake. I just laid there until someone woke up. I know Ponyboy would have wanted me to wake him up but I wanted to let him sleep. A couple minutes later I heard Ramsey wake up. I turned my head and she saw me awake. "Hey, Mac. How are you feeling?" Her gentle voice asked. I always loved hearing her talk. "Sore." I choked out. "Let me go get a writing pad so that you don't have to strain your voice." And with that she left the room. Ponyboy shifted in his chair and his eyes fluttered open. He saw my eyes were open and smiled groggily at me. "Morning." He stretched his arms out as he started to stand up. God, I loved his morning voice. It was always so sexy. We've spent a couple nights together when Buck's place got too crazy and Dally made me leave for my own safety. Don't worry we never did anything sexual, especially since the gang *cough* *cough* Darry, could hear everything. So we mostly just read our favorite books or cuddled eventually drifting to sleep as Elvis's voice softly filled the air. Ponyboy walked over to my bed side and put the chair next to me. He grabbed my hand and I smiled at him. His touch was gentle. He was scared of hurting me. He just looked at me and gave me a small little side smile. I heard Ramsey come back in the room and she handed me to notepad. "Do you need anything?" Ponyboy asked me. "Milkshake." I wrote on the notepad. "Chocolate with whip cream and chocolate sauce?" Ponyboy asked as he smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. I nodded my head and smiled while closing my eyes. Ponyboy lightly chuckled, "Thought so." He gently kissed my forehead and left the room to go get my milkshake. Ramsey took Ponyboy's seat and looked at me. Her face was serious and it worried me. She was rarely and I mean RARELY ever serious with me, especially when I was hurt. "Mac, I need to be serious with you and ask you some questions. Ones you couldn't answer for the doctor." I nodded, signalling for her to start asking. "Do you remember everything that they did to you?" She asked in a hushed tone. I remembered every detail. I nodded. "Okay. Did they do anything else to you besides beat you?" I nodded. I picked up my notepad and started to write, "They raped me. They only used their hands though. It hurt. They wouldn't stop. They were about to take off their pants but someone saw us and came running towards us." I showed her the notepad and her eyes opened wide. Her jaw dropped open and I could see tears brimming her eyes. I put the notepad face down. I was in a half sitting position so I looked down at my hands and twirled my thumbs around. She grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye,"Can I go get a doctor so they can check down there to see if everything is okay?" I was about to say no but then it dawned on me. It still hurt there. What if they tore something or I somehow got an infection. I really doubt they had clean hands. I nodded my head and closed my eye to keep my tears from spilling out. She patted my hand gently and left the room to get my doctor. That's when Ponyboy came back into the room. He was smiling carrying my milkshake when he noticed my watery eyes. His smile dropped and a look of worry spread across his face. "Mac, what's wrong?" He set my milkshake on the bedside table and sat in the chair. I handed him the notepad. He read it and went white. He looked at me with wide eyes. Ramsey came back in with the doctor and nurse. The nurse was holding a case. I guess it was the rape testing kit. "Okay, Mac. Were going to numb your legs so that when we put your leg in the stirrups it doesn't hurt you." I nodded and relaxed against the bed as the doctor put on his gloves. I felt the nurse put they needle into my right leg and inject the numbing medicine into my muscles. My leg went instantly numb. I didn't need it in my left one. I was hanging in the air for support. Ponyboy held my hand as the doctor got everything out. "Okay, I'm going to start the testing now." I nodded my head. The doctor started to look and sighed. "Well, so far you do have vaginal tearing that we will need to clean out but you won't need stitches." I sighed in relief and squeezed Ponyboy's hand. He took three swabs and said they will have them tested for every disease and infection known to man. They apparently do that to every rape victim. I don't blame them. Some would come back today and others would have to wait a couple days to come back. How was I going to tell the gang I was raped? Ponyboy handed me my milkshake and I slowly drank it. This was going to be a long day.

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