Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning in complete and utter pain. Especially... you know... down there. Soda told me he was going to take me to the local gynecologist to get checked out. I was nervous but I knew I had to get treatment for the tearing. Soda and I got into my car and I let Soda drive. I could barley walk, how was I supposed to drive my car? No, my baby.

"It's going to be alright, Ramsey. I'll be in the room with you the whole time." Soda told me as he drove to the dreaded place. He put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. I smiled back and he turned his eyes back to the road. Knowing I have Soda with me was reassuring but I was still shaking like a leaf. What was I supposed to tell the doctor? Oh hey! My name is Ramsey Moore and my boyfriend forced me to come because I psychotic ex-boyfriend raped me? No. Not gonna happen. After what seemed like hours we reached the building. I was hesitant to get out of the car. Soda opened my door and held out his hand for me. I took it and stepped out. Soda had to give me a little pull to get me moving but I got the damn things to move from their spot on the pavement. I was not ready to do this. But I didn't know how to tell Soda I couldn't do it. I just squeezed his hand tighter, telling myself that I wasn't alone in this.

We entered the building, a wave of cool air washing over me. That helped me calm down a bit. I spotted a sign by the elevator. It said the gynecologist was on the third floor. Great, no easy escape. I pointed toward the elevator and we walked over to it and got on. Soda kept smiling at me and kissing my temple in an effort to calm my shaking, terrified ass down. But I was still freaking out. Mostly because of the thought my "lovely" brain came up with in the car. What if I'm pregnant? If I'm pregnant with that monster's baby? I think I'd have a heart attack right there on the table. I heard the ding of the elevator opening and we stepped out.

"I'm gonna go grab us seats for waiting. You go check in. I already set up an appointment." Soda smiled at me as he kissed my forehead one last time. I smiled back at him as I watched him walk away. I trudged up to the desk to be greeted be a younger lady typing away at her computer. She noticed me walk up and looked me right in the eye. She gave me a warm smile.

"Hello ma'am. Do you have an appointment with us today?" She asked with a smile. I nodded.

"Great! Can I get your name?"

"Ramsey. Ramsey Moore."

She typed in my name and I heard a ding from her computer.

"Ah! Here you are. Can I just have you fill out this form while you wait for your doctor?" She handed me a clip board with a laminated piece of paper and an expo marker. I nodded and took the board from her. She smiled at me once more and continued her typing. I walked over to Soda and sat down. I let out a sigh and started to fill out the sheet. Once I finished the questionnaire I walked back up to the woman and handed it to her. She smiled and thanked me. I went and sat back down. I grabbed Soda's hand and took in a deep breath. After what seemed like years I heard my name be called.

"Ramsey Moore?" I looked up to see another young woman. Soda and I stood up and the woman smiled at us.

"Right this way, sweetie." She smiled at me and took me back. She got my weight and height and wrote them down. She smiled at Soda and looked at me.

"Who's the young man with you today?" She asked me, making small talk.

"My boyfriend, Sodapop." I answered quietly. She raised her eyebrows at me, the smile never leaving her face.

"That's a unique name. Any specific reason your parents picked that name for you?" She asked in a mother like tone.

"My parents were pretty unique people. I even got a little brother named Ponyboy. Says so on our birth certificates." Soda answered putting his hands in his front jean pockets.

"Your parents sound like fun, unique people. This world needs people like that." The assistant mumbled the last part to her clip board as she wrote something down. She led us to a room where she took my blood pressure, listened to my heart and my breathing, and she lastly checked my eyes. As she left the room she told us the doctor would be in shortly. I sat up on the bed as Soda took a seat next to my bed. And so the waiting began.

After about 10 minutes my doctor came in. She looked to be in her late 20's. She held out her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand and received a warm smile. She shook Soda's hand as he stood and smiled back at her.

"Hi! I'm Julie and I'll be your doctor today. What brings you here Ms. Moore?" She asked as she rubbed hand sanatizer into her hands.

"Well two nights ago I was walking home late and I was.." I trailed off, unable to get the word out. I started bouncing my leg as I made a circular motion with my hand like people do to you when they want you to finish the sentence. She slightly raised her eye brows at me, edging me to finish my sentence.

"I was, um.. I was... raped." I managed to push out. Her eyes widened in surprise and her jaw tightened.

"I am so sorry that happened to you. We'll start an exam right away and do a pregnancy test." She put her hand on my trembling knee. I nodded at her and she gave me a small side smile. She had me change into a gown while she retrieved a pregnancy test and an exam testing kit.

She had me take the pregnancy test first so that we would have the results back when she finished the exam. During the exam she did find tearing that did not require stitching. She took swabs to check for any diseases or infections. Those would be back along with the pregnancy test. Some would come back in a couple days, just like Mac's tests. Hopefully I would be lucky like her and come out clean. The tests came back. She informed me that so far I didn't have any infections or diseases. And I was indeed not pregnant. Thank the Lord! Now all we had to do was wait for the last tests and tell Mac what had happened.

Ramsey's Worst Nightmare (a Sodapop fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα