Chapter 29

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It's been a couple days since the accident and not much has happened. Ponyboy has his first track meet today. The hospital is letting Mac go. Today, Soda and I decided to hang around the house. The other night made me feel better physically. Mentally, I don't know when I would be healed. Right now everything is slowly healing. Johnny is at the Curtis' all day. Soda is in my bedroom changing. I got up off the couch and walked in. Soda was only in his boxers putting grease his hair. He saw me in the mirror.
"Hey Rams. What's up?" I shrugged.
"Nothing." I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist and started to kiss the back of his muscular shoulders. Soda turned around and kissed me. He left the room and walked into the bathroom to wash the grease off his hands. I walked over to my night stand and took some of my pain meds. I laid down on my side facing the door. I tucked my legs under me and put my hands under my head. I felt so worthless, so used. I knew I planned on having sex with Soda soon but now all of that is ruined because of that monster. Soda walked back in and saw me laying there. he crawled in behind me. I rolled over and buried my face in his chest. We laid there for a few minutes before sadness over came me. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably and sobs racked my whole body. Soda held me close as he stroked my hair. I grabbed his t-shirts into my fists. I was so angry and hurt and betrayed.

"Why did he do this? Am I just that bad of a person?" I sobbed into his shirt. Soda pulled away from me and put his hands on my face, wiping away the tears on my face.

"You are not a bad person. You never have been. Randy is a bad person. And he will rot in hell for what he did. You never deserved this. Randy deserves what comes to him. You can't punish yourself for what HE chose to do to you. I know you must be hurting and that breaks my heart so see you in so much pain. I wish this had never happened to you. You never deserved this." I could see he was hurting inside. I let another sob.

"Oh, Ramsey." Soda said sadly as he pulled me back into him. he started to stroke my hair again.

"Don't cry, honey. Everything will be alright." I pulled away from Soda and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I sniffed a bit as I continued to wipe my face. Soda brushed a piece of my hair off my forehead with the tip of his thumb.

"Don't be." He smiled at me. I smiled back and he kissed me quickly.

"You still up for Pony's track meet today?" Soda asked. Seeing Ponyboy and Mac would definitely cheer me up bit. I nodded. Soda leaned over me to look at the clock. It was 11:30 now. His meet starts at 1:00. 

"I'll go get ready so we can run back to your place and get the gang and leave for the high school by 12:45." Soda nodded and kissed m forehead. He hopped over me and made it over and onto the floor. He helped me up and I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face and make myself look less trolley. I dried my face and started to put on eyeliner and mascara. Soda watched, fascinated at the steady hand I gained over the years of being an artist. I put my hair in a bun and I hobbled back to my room with Soda in tow holding his hands out at my sides to catch me if I fell. I grabbed some worn out jeans that would be the most comfortable and a white t-shirt and put those on. I grabbed a jacket since the spring air was still chilly. Soda had to help me put my Jeans and chucks on since it hurt to move. I took a bag with me to carry my pain meds in. And with that, we left for the Curtis'.

We got to the high school at 12:55. As we walked in, the entrance to the track was right in front of us. He saw Ponyboy down at the starting line talking to his coach about his events for the day. We walked around to the side of the track where the fence was blocking the bystanders off. I leaned up against the fence wit Soda while the others went to go find seats. They were setting up the 800 meter dash.

"Ponyboy!"  I called. He looked over and saw us. His coach nodded and kept talking to the other team members that were talking to their coach. Pony jogged over to us and leaned up against the fence as well.

"What are your events?" I asked. 

"100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 4 by 100 and 4 by 200." Pony named off his events. I nodded.

"So basically we're gonna be here all night." I said. Ponyboy nodded.

"Yeah, basically." I nodded at Soda.

"Okay. Are you warm enough? It's kinda chilly today." I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine I'm keeping the sweatsuit on until I need to run then I'll take it off. The team already did their warm up lap and everything." I nodded. I felt big hands land on my shoulders. I heard Darry's voice behind me.

"Okay, and you do plan on warming back up before your events?" Darry asked. Ponyboy nodded.

"Good deal. Let us know if you need anything. We're gonna go find our seats." Soda said.

"Okay. I'll be up in a few." Ponyboy said. Soda smiled and ruffles his hair. Ponyboy glared at him a bit and jogged back over to his coach while fixing his hair. 

So long story short, Ponyboy got first in all his events. There were about seven schools there from all over Oklahoma. His coach is already talking about putting Ponyboy on the varsity team depending on how well he does in his next two meets. He'll definitely going to be put on the varsity track team. By the time the meet was over and we had gotten dinner it was 10:00 at night. Track meets can last a long time. the order of events goes:

-All field events

-4 by 800 meter dash

-4 by 100 meter dash

-3200 (2 miles) meter dash

-100 meter high hurdles

-100 meter dash

-800 meter dash

-4 by 200 meter dash

-400 meter dash

-300 meter low hurdles

-1600 meter (1 mile) meter dash

-200 meter dash

- 4 by 400 meter dash

Soda decided to spend the night with me and Johnny wanted to stay the night with Ponyboy. As soon as Soda and I got home we changed into sleeping clothes and fell right to sleep.

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