Chapter 9

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*A/N* Hey guys! I finally got some free time to update! I'm sorry it's taking me forever to update the story! I'll try my best to keep up with the story. Anyway, here's your long awaited update! Love ya'll! Stay gold!


I watched Ponyboy run down the street to my house. God that kid was strong, stronger than I realized. I looked over my shoulder and the rest of the gang, even Johnny, were beating the living hell out of these guys. "Boys! Stop! Someone just call the cops or something! Mac needs us right now!" I screamed. As soon as I uttered Mac's name Dally let go of Dameon and took off toward my house. I took out my camera of my back pocket and took a photo of the car then the license plate. Then I took off to my house and the rest of the boys were following me to my house. We burst through the door and I could hear Mac crying in the bathroom. Ponyboy and Dally were talking to her trying to calm her down. I couldn't make out what they were saying. I silently motioned the boys to stay where they were as I crept to the bathroom. I poked my head in the doorway and what I saw chilled me to the bone. There were bloody gauze all over the floor. Ponyboy was smart and laid down all the newspaper from the giant pile by the recycle bin my parents bought. Ponyboy's jeans were drenched in blood. I didn't know someone's shoulder could bleed so much. Dally had blood running down his hands. Mac was crying and was pale. "Darry! come in here! Quick!" I screamed. Darry ran into the bathroom. "Ramsey, go get sugar from your kitchen." Darry instructed. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Just trust me." He said, looking me in the eyes. I ran into the living room and Two-Bit, Johnny, Soda, and Steve where pacing around the living room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the white jar my mom kept the sugar in. I then sprinted back to the bathroom and handed to jar to Darry, whose hands now had blood on his hands as well. "Thanks, Ray. Okay Mac, I need you to hold still. Can you do that for me sweetheart?" Mac nodded her head then put her head back into the crook of Ponyboy's neck. Ponyboy gently put his hand on Mac's head. Dally grabbed her hand and Mac squeezed Dal's hand. Darry ran his index finger under some warm water and dipped his finger in the sugar. He gently dabbed the sugar around Mac's wound. He did this about five or six times. Mac looked at him then down at her shoulder. " doesn't hurt as much." Her eyes went wide. "I used that on Ponyboy's cuts all the time. It's a natural pain killer." The bleeding even slowed down some. Darry let Ponyboy stitch Mac's shoulder back up. Ponyboy then gently wrapped her shoulder and bicep in gauze and him and Dally cleaned up the newspaper and used gauze. I hugged Mac before she walked out of the bathroom. Johnny, Two-Bit, Sodapop, and Steve gave Mac a gentle hug when she walked out to the living room. Darry gave her a hug and kisses her temple. Like I said, he had a huge sweet spot for her. Dally was the first one to walk out of the bathroom. He had tear stains on his cheeks. Mac's bottom lip trembled a little bit. Her and Dally gave each other a huge hug and he kissed her on the top of the head. Ponyboy still hadn't walked out yet. Mac sat down in the couch and let out a shaky sigh. We all sat in the floor in front of her, excluding Pony who was still in the bathroom. "I obviously have to tell you guys something." She said. I could tell Ponyboy could hear her because there was no other sound. I realized the only light source was the light from the bathroom 10 feet away and the moonlight through the bay window behind the couch Mac, Dally and Darry were sitting on. Johnny was sitting on the arm rest, one foot on the floor the other resting on the cushion, his arms were draped over his knee. Soda was sitting to my left, his legs propped up and his elbows resting on his knees. I was sitting with my legs crossed Indian style with my hands clasped together in my lap. Steve was hugging his knees to his chest. Darry was leaning forward, his arms resting on his knees and his hands clasped together, and he was bouncing his left leg. Dally was sitting up strait and rubbing his hands on his thighs. Two-Bit was standing behind the couch leaning on the back of it. I could see Ponyboy leaning over the sink, looking into it. Mac finally started to speak again. "In New York, mine and Dally's uncle, Austin, had raped me four times. Like he didn't stick his dick in me or anything. He would use stuff in me like toys or his fingers. Then he'd get his buddies in on it. And they would do the exact same things to me. I got sent away with my mom to the insane asylum with my mom. I got sent back after I recovered enough. They continued the raping when I got "home". One day when Romeo tried to actually put it his you-know-what in me, I freaked out. That next day I ran away. I called my mom at the asylum and before I could hang up so that she could call the cops our Uncle and his friends threatened my mother saying that if she said anything they would kill me and leave my body at the front door for her to see. They hung up and my mom never called the cops. A couple days later my "father", my uncle and his friends had passed out from the alcohol and i called my mom again. The worker told me that my mother had committed suicide an hour ago and that they just found her body in her room. They were just about to call me. They asked if they could speak to my father but I said he wasn't home. That night i decided to leave. I left them a note saying I would go live with Dally here in Tulsa and for them not to call the cops since it would be pointless and I would rat them out. I said I'd never call them. I thought they would leave me alone for good. I never even got to tell my mom I ran away and that I was okay. She will never know that they stopped. So yea, that happened and now I'm here. I shouldn't have told them about Tulsa. They found me." She looked up and all I saw in her eyes was fear. "I'm going to the cops in the morning. And no one is stopping me. Those rat fuckers aren't getting away with this." Dally said. I could hear something. It was someone crying ever so softly. I was the only one that could hear it. It was Ponyboy. I got up and walked into the bathroom. Ponyboy was sitting on the floor crying, his face buried in his hands. He cared so much about Mac. Seeing him this way broke my heart. I walked over to him and sat on my haunches and hugged him. He flung his arms around my waist. I soothed him for a couple minutes then we pulled away. He stood up, wiped his eyes, and walked into the living room. Mac stood up. "Did you hear all that, Pony?" Mac asked. Ponyboy nodded his head and took three long strides and embraced Mac in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his torso and started crying. " I'm so sorry. I'm going to try everything in my power to protect you as much as I possibly can. I promise you that." Ponyboy whispered in Mac's ear. They looked so cute hugging in the moonlight. They'd make a great couple. Soda snaked his arm around my waist and brought me closer. I felt safer. I turned and hugged Soda. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I squeezed his torso. "Mac, sweetheart, why don't you stay at our house tonight. You can stay with Ponyboy in his room." Darry said. "But what about Dally?" Mac asked. "I don't want you anywhere near Buck's. Not after tonight. Two-Bit is having me stay at his house tonight. Buck dropped off some of my clothes and your clothes at their house when I called him. And no else is to over there. Got it?" Dally pointed a finger at all of us. "Got it." We all responded simultaneously. "Don't worry, kiddo. We ain't gonna let anything else happen to you." Two-Bit reassured her as he patted her uninjured shoulder. "And you've me and Soda at the DX so you can stay hang with us there if you want and/or need to." Steve smiled at Mac. "Thanks guys." Mac smiled. "Darry, do you think you can drive Steve to his house and Ponyboy, Mac, Dally and Soda to your guys' house in my dad's truck. Me and Johnny will go with you so I can drive it home." I asked. Darry nodded. "Of course. It will be safer that way." Dally, Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, Darry, Ponyboy, And Mac all walked outside to my dad's truck he left here. I hugged Soda, tight. "What are we going to do?" I asked. I was in the verge of tears. "I don't know, Ray. I don't know." I grabbed the keys off of the counter. As Soda and I were walking outside I saw someone walk into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I handed the keys to Darry. Soda decided to stay at Steve's house. They would just go to work together in the morning. So we went to the Curtis's house first. Darry, Ponyboy, and Mac all got out and said their good nights and Soda, Steve, Johnny, Two-Bit and I said ours to them. I climbed into the driver's seat next to Soda And I drove to Two-Bit's house. Johnny and I said our good nights to Dally and Two-Bit and they said theirs to me and Johnny. I drove to Steve's house. We got to Steve's house. Soda kissed me on the cheek and I hugged him and all four of us exchanged our good nights. Johnny climbed into the passenger seat. "What a night, huh?" I asked Johnny as I backed up out of Steve's driveway. "Yea. You could say that again." Johnny commented. I chuckled. "I am so ready to relax." I let my head thump against the head rest. "Girl, I hear ya." Johnny retorted. I let out a short laugh and Johnny chuckled at me. "You're gonna be fun to live with, Johnnycakes." I giggled. "I'm looking forward to it too." I pulled into my driveway, put the truck into park, and turned of the ignition . Something felt off. I guessed Johnny sensed it too. 'Cause he said these three words, as if he was reading my mind. "Something's wrong, Ramsey."


There you go my lovelies! I hoped you enjoyed it. As soon as I get home from school tomorrow I'm going to update it. I pinkie promise. Anyway, love ya'll! Stay gold!

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