Chapter 31

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I've never been in this state of fear before. This fear was like someone is about to shoot your mother right in front of you and if you move they'll kill you. I was sitting in a hard plastic chair in the waiting room. My leg would not stop moving. Soda is in surgery and I'm waiting for Ponyboy and Darry to show up. I've been crying since I found Soda. I don't think I'd stop for awhile. I heard the elevator ding and I saw the reddish brown haired 14 year old step out of the elevator and look down the hall at me. I stood up and ran to him. As soon as I ran into Pony's embrace I started sobbing uncontrollably. Ponyboy lead me back to the chair I was sitting in and just held me. I heard Darry sit in the chair next to me and put one hand on my should and one on my side. Pone stroked my hair and attempted to get me to calm down. I could feel his tears fall onto my bare shoulder. The tank top I was wearing was still covered in blood. Soda's blood. I finally got the strength to let go of Ponyboy and wiped my eyes.
"Has the doctor said anything?" Darry asked me. I took a shaky breath as I looked him in the eye.
"The doctor said it doesn't look good right now but Soda has a chance of making it out of surgery." I could feel more tears fall silently down my face. Darry gently grabbed me by the back of the neck and put my face in the crook of his neck. Ponyboy rubbed my back gingerly. I heard the elevator dig again and Pony got up out of his seat. I heard him talking to someone and I recognized the deep voice. I pulled away from Darry and wiped my eyes. I looked over to where Ponyboy was.
"Detective Winchester?" I asked, in complete shock. I stood up and slowly walked over to him.
   "I was assigned the Sodapop Curtis case. Do you know him?" He furrowed his brow. I nodded.
   "He's my boyfriend." I looked down at my feet. I felt him put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up into his candy apple green eyes.
   "I promise I will find out who did this. Can I ask you a few questions?" He asked. I nodded again and went back to my seat. Darry sat next to me and put a hand on my knee. Ponyboy stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed them reassuringly. I sighed.
   "Tell me when you need to stop, okay?" He pulled out a notepad and a pen from inside his jacket. I nodded and grabbed Pony's right hand on my shoulder.
   "Where were you before Soda was assaulted?"
   "I was in my bedroom."
   "Was there any yelling or threats?"
   "I could hear them yelling at each other but I was too groggy to make anything out. I ran out into the living room when I heard the shouting stop and Soda fall on the floor. Whoever did it bolted out there after it happened."
   "And you yelled for your next door neighbor correct?"
   "That's right."
   "Did you recognize the other voice?"
   "It was a man's voice. Even if I knew who it was its not coming to mind right now."
   "Did Soda have any enemies?"
   "Well, it's kinda complicated." Pony answered. "See, in this town, the rich kids, or Socs as we call them, and the poor kids, or greasers as were called, hate each other. And we're all greasers, including Soda. It's just always been that way. It really could have been any Soc."
Detective Winchester nodded and closed his notepad.
   "That's all I need for now. I'll still to question Soda when he gets out of surgery. Here's my card. You can call me when he wakes up or when he's ready to answer questions. We don't want to push him too far." He handed the card to Darry and they both stood up.
   "Thank you for your cooperation." He shook Darry's hand. Then Pony's then mine. He thanked him and he walked into the elevator and disappeared. Just then the doctor came out. He was covered in blood.
   "Ramsey Moore?" He asked.
I stood up. "That's me." I clenched Ponyboy's hand tightly.
   "Soda made it out of surgery. There were some complications and we almost lost him a couple times. But he's doing great now and is recovery. You can go wait in his room for when he wakes up." I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Ponyboy tightly. He squeezed me back and we both started to cry.
   "Thank you, Doctor." Darry said and he shook the doctor's hand. We walked to the elevator and headed up to Soda's room.

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