Chapter 10

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Ty scoots a little further away from Elijiah than he already was. "Calm down Tyler I won't hurt you," Elijiah says chuckling. "Why are you scared of Elijiah? He's like a little bunny," I laugh. "He has hurt people before. I don't know why you aren't scared," Tyler says seriously. How could nice little Elijiah hurt people?

"Tyler would you leave Mae and I alone together?" Elijiah asks seriously. "Uhm I don't think that's a good idea," Ty says unsure. Elijiah goes up close to Ty and repeats himself, "Tyler leave us alone," Elijiah says. "It doesn't work that way with a hybrid Elijiah, but sure I'll go. Mae, call me if you need me,"Tyler says getting up and leaving the grill. He just changed his mind in like 2 seconds. Bipolar men.

"I think it's time you know the truth. But this isn't the place to talk. Come with me," Elijiah says getting up and taking his hand out for me. I grab his hand and we walk out of the grill. "Let's just go into the jungle or something," he says opening his car door for me. Is it that big of a secret? Everyone seems to know, why can't he just tell me here.

He gets in the car and drives to the closest jungle entrance and parks his car. I get out of the car and he comes up behind me with his hand on my back and leads me inside. We walk a little deep into the woods and then he stops and looks at me. "This is going to take a while," Elijiah says sighing.

"Almost everyone you know is a vampire. Including me," he says staring at me for a reaction. I laugh. "Okay seriously, what's the big secret?" I say. Elijiah comes close to me and smells my neck and opens his mouth. He moves back a little and let's me see his teeth. There were real fangs. My eyes widen. "Vampires aren't real though," I say surprised. "We are just good at adjusting. Elena, Stephan, Caroline and my whole family is a vampire. Tyler is half vampire half werewolf," he explains putting his fangs back where they belong. "So werewolves are real too?" I ask him. This is insane man. "Yep. You should ask Tyler," he says. "I know you told me you're a vampire and you can kill me in 2 seconds, but I'm not scared of you," I say to him looking into his eyes. He smiles. "Good. Your father wasn't either. He was against vampires, but he wasn't scared of them," he says to me. "Do you know how my father died?" I ask him seriously. I really need to know now. That's why I'm here.

"It was his choice to die for Elena. Before Elena turned into a vampire, she hated them. She was dating one but she didn't want to be one. Nik was going to sacrifice Elena on the full moon so he could be a full hybrid. John decided to sacrifice his life so Elena wouldn't turn into a vampire," Elijiah explained.

I didn't even know I was crying until Elijiah wiped some of my tears off of my face. My dad died trying to save this bitch.

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