Chapter 27

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I turn around slowly, not wanting to know who it is. And surely enough, it was Nik. He had a smile plastered on his face. I force a smile on my face. I look back the other way and see Elijiah looking down. He can't even look me in the eyes. He planned everything. And to think I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend.

"Love, he was just following our family motto. Family before anything," Nik says coming to sit right next to Elijiah in our booth. Nik sat down right in front of me. "What do you want?" I ask him harshly. "Oh love, you know what I want. I want to end your life," he says still smiling. How can he be smiling? I scoff, "Okay I'd like to see you try." I get up and grab Elijiah's keys off of the table and start heading towards the door. Nik zooms in front of me blocking the door.

"Oh love. I won't try, I will succeed," he says coming close to me. "Um Nik, lets just let her go," Elijiah says scratching the back of his neck. Oh so now you decide to talk. "No can do. Guess what Mae? Elijiah and I had a plan all along. He was faking the whole time. He doesn't want to be near you. He comes home and sleeps because this mission tires him out so much. You are a pain in the ass," Nik says chuckling.

"I think I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me weak by saying all this to me, but guess what? I am not weak. It's really not my fault if Elijiah doesn't like me, he could go hire a stripper for all I care," I say. I don't mean that at all. I really started to like Elijiah. I thought he liked me. Nik was breaking me. That's exactly what his plan was, but I'm not going to let him break me.

"Alright then love, why don't you kill him?" Nik says pulling out a stake. I grab it and see the expression on Elijiah's face. He was as white as a ghost. "This isn't the stake that ends the vampire forever, when I leave, you would pull the stake back out and Elijiah would be alive again. So I'll just save my energy," I say crossing my arms.

"Ah I see that you have done your homework Gilbert. I'm surprised," Nik says coming close again. "If you want a kiss, all you gotta do is ask," I smirk. "Love, I don't ask, I take," Nik says cradling my face and pressing his lips on mine. I kiss him back and put my arms around his back. I stabbed the steak right in his back and pulled it back out and run out the door. I'm probably not fast enough, but I have to try. I get in Elijiah's car with the keys I had and started the car. I looked in the restaurant window and see Elijiah fighting Nik.

I drive back the way we came from with tears streaming down my face. I don't know the roads here, but I'll figure it out.

I had been fooled by the originals. I didn't even see it coming. I saw a beautiful man and instantly fell in love. Maybe this is why I haven't dated anyone yet, men are assholes. They just use girls to get what they want. Nik now knows that I am strong. I can beat him. Things are just going to get worse for me, but I'm not going down without a fight. 

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