Chapter 36

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"I know you wouldn't want to talk about this at all, but I have to say it. I know you must have been  questioning my liking for you, but you shouldn't. It was all true. The only thing that wasn't true was the part were I wanted to hurt you. Why do you think I stopped Klaus from coming after you that day? Why do you think I put my keys on the table?" Elijiah says stepping a little closer to me.

I step back. Was he just making up these points he had or was he just toying with me again? He can't just mess with my feelings like that again. I don't think I can trust him like that. I can trust him to train with me and everything, he probably goes home and tells everything to Nik. I step back further and look at him in the eyes. His eyes were the same. Honest and soft. "How do I know you aren't lying to me again?" I say. "You don't. I just wanted you to know. Maybe you would think about all this and give me a second chance to prove myself," he says.

I nod and walk inside. Before I could even process what Elijiah just said, Elena walks up to me and slaps me. "What the hell?" I say looking at her raged. What was that for? I haven't done anything to her surprisingly. "My brother just seems to like you more. He doesn't even care about me anymore. He spends no more time with me. He says you are his real sister," she says all in my face. I push her up against the wall, "Well you are the one who just left him for Stefan. You didn't even look back to see how he was doing. Casual hangouts with him doesn't make up for brother-sister time. You basically live here, he lives alone," I spat in her face. She looked shocked. "By the way, you shouldn't do that again, I can kill you before you even say help," I say smirking.

I get up to my room and change into my pajamas. Everyone say's Elena is all about family, but in all honesty, all she cares is herself. She cares about her love, she cares about her friends. She doesn't even think about Jeremy. Don't get me wrong, when he needs help, she saves him, but that is rare. And that is basically when Elena looks Jeremy's way. All Jeremy ever needed was attention. All the attention was toward Elena, all the time. She got Matt to look after Jeremy, she thinks that it would be enough. It isn't enough, Matt doesn't make up for her sister. Matt is his friend. I will be the sister that Jeremy wants and needs. I may be replacing Elena, and it may make me sound like a bitch, but im doing this for Jeremy. Not for anyone else.

I lay down in bed and fall into a deep sleep.

"Wake up Mae! It's 4:45!" Jeremy yells as bursts through my door like always. I groan. Today is going to be very fun.


Wasn't this Chapter full of drama? Elijiah spilled his guts out to Mae and Elena is pissed as hell at Mae for stealing Jeremy from her.

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Until next time.

*sound of bubbles popping*

Get it? My name. Bubbles. Okay, okay ill leave byeeee.

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