Levi imagine for Isabel

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"Okay guys, I should probably get going now," you managed to explain through laughter. You'd spent the whole day with your four best friends; Levi, Drew, Nate and Austin, however now it was almost midnight and you knew that you should really go home.
"Really, Isabel? You're seriously gonna drive home this late?" Drew questioned.
"Please don't, Isabel. Not this late," Levi pleaded, concerned. That was one reason out of many that the boys were your best friends; they were always so caring.
"I'll be fine, honestly." You smiled as you began to stand up.
"Isabel, wait. Can't you stay at Lucas' or something? He's not as far away," Nate asked. You sighed when you heard Nate mention the name of your boyfriend, Lucas. Sure, you loved him - he was sweet, cute, funny; everything you could want in a boy. However, recently you'd been thinking less about Lucas and more about Levi. Levi was your best friend, you had known each other since reception way back in primary school. You told him everything -well, everything except this.
"Um, yeah. I guess I could go back to his for the night," you agreed, smiling politely. "Thanks. I'll see you all soon," you said, picking up your bag as the boys said goodbye to you as you got into your car and drove off.
You arrived at Lucas' just past midnight. You pulled up outside his house and noticed that his bedroom light was still on. Well, at least he was still awake.
You made your way up to his front door and rang the doorbell, waiting for an answer. It took a while, but after a couple of minutes you heard a key turn in the door.
"Hey, Lucas, sorry I-" You stopped mid sentence as you stared straight infront of you at another girl, both of you speechless.
"Hey babe, who was at the-" Great. Lucas. Just the person you wanted to see.
"Lucas...?" You whispered.
"Isabel, babe, I'm sorry," Lucas apologised, attempting to pull you into a hug.
"Get off me!" You shouted before hurrying into your car. You climbed into the driver's seat and quickly glanced back to see the other girl shouting at Lucas, too.
You put on your seatbelt and begam to drive as some tears began running helplessly down your face. Where would you go now?
You didn't really pay attention to where you were going, but soon enough you found yourself outside Levi, Nate, Austin and Drew's house. You parked on their drive, got out of the car and then locked it, then ran up to their front door, knocking continuously, tears now running endlessly down your cheeks as loud heartbreaking cries left your mouth. You saw a light switch on and saw a familiar figure unlocking the door, then found yourself wrapped up in Levi's arms.
"Isabel, what's happened?" Levi asked as he lead you inside.
"Lucas, h-he cheated on me!" You cried as a sleepy looking Austin entered the room.
"Isabel?" Austin questioned as he suddenly became more awake, amd came and sat beside you, giving you a quick hug. You explained the whole story as Nate and Drew joined you.
"I'm so sorry, Isabel," Drew sighed sympathetically. The others all nodded their heads in agreement.
"You can stay here for tonight, Isabel," Nate offered.
"But where would I sleep?" You sniffed.
"You can stay in the spare room," Drew said, leading you upstairs and getting it ready for you.
Later that night:
It was 2am and you still couldn't sleep. You kept thinking of Levi. Just then, you heard the door creak open.
"Isabel?" You smiled at hearing Levi's voice.
"Hey," you whispered. "Can't you sleep either?"
"No," Levi laughed, then stopped. "Isabel, I really need to speak to you." Levi made his way into the room and flicked on the small bedside lamp as you squinted at the sudden light.
"I know you've only just broken up with Lucas, but I think you should know something. Isabel, I've been in love with you for a while now. Truth is, I've been too scared to admit it. I didn't want you to fall out with me, and then you got with Lucas, and... yeah. I'm sorry." You smiled at him.
"Levi, I feel the exact same. I've loved you for so long, and I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. Yeah I was with Lucas, but I thought I liked you way before him, and clearly I did. Getting with Lucas was a big mistake, Levi. I should've asked you." Levi looked into your eyes, smiling, then pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, then pulled away.
"I love you, Isabel. Will you... will you be my girlfriend?"
"I love you too, Levi. It'd be an honour to be your girlfriend."
And with that, you fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling happily as your hearts beat in unison.

I hope you liked it, Isabel!
Madison, yours is next!

~ Chloe x

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