#83 - Your couple song from 'Divide'

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"How would you feel".
- You both love this song due to the slow tempo, and Nate actually asked you to be his girlfriend with the line "How would you feel if I told you that I loved you?" before this song was released, making it that extra bit more special.

"Galway Girl".
Drew had decided that this was his favourite song from the second he heard it. You both loved the tempo and to act like pro rappers, even though it ALWAYS ended up with you both collapsed on the floor with laughter.

"Shape of you".
- As Levi knew how self conscious you got from time to time, he thought that this song was perfect for those low moments. He'd always sing it to lift your spirit and confidence because, to him, you were completely perfect.

"Hearts don't break around here".
- Since all of your previous relationships had ended up in heartbreak and lies, Austin always knew you'd be a little nervous. This song, he felt, perfectly went with how you were feeling, and reassured you that Austin was different - he truly loved you.

Hey guys, so some stuff has been getting sorted with one of my subjects at school so I haven't had much time recently, however it's finally getting sorted so hopefully I will have some more time soon :) Also, I'm working on personal requests, I haven't forgotten, don't worry :)
~ Chloe x

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