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I heard my alarm beep faintly. I tapped the side of my pillow and my side table and frowned when I couldn't find it. I opened my eyes groggily and looked for the source of the ever growing noise. I groaned when I realize that my phone was blaring from the other side of the room, how it got there, I would never know. Or maybe I would but now was not the time. I huffed and threw my blanket over me, I felt like a zombie. I needed more sleep. When I finally got to my phone, I shut it up and stared at the 7 text messages that came from Thomas and a text from Jordan. I decide to open Jordan's first since it was less.

'Alright if you insist' it read.

I frowned confused by it; I looked through our previous messages and rubbed my temples in attempt to remember if I sent them or not. The first one read:

'Katy where'd you go? You left your bag here. I'm picking you up tomorrow'

No thanks. I have a chauffeur. Just drop my bag off at the house - I apparently replied.

I blinked and thought of Thomas pretending to be me. The guy only knew me for a couple of days and is already going through private messages angered me a bit. Not really angered but irritated me. He had no right to touch my phone and it's my phone for a bloody reason. I read Thomas' text messages next.

'I used your phone, hope you don't mind'

'You probably do, I'm sorry'

'What happened yesterday? Are you alright now?'

'You're probably still asleep right now'

A small smile tugged on my lips at how cute he texted. He was like a child wearing a suit, I couldn't help but chuckle a tad bit. My irritability towards him dissipated.

'Call me when you're awake'

'We need to talk about something important'

'It's about those scars and wounds on your wrists'

My heart dropped and I instinctively brought my wrists toward my chest. How did he see them? I was wearing a long sleeved shirt yesterday, I look down on myself and see that I'm only wearing the tank top I had been wearing under the long sleeved shirt. I stared at my cuts and bit my lip so I wouldn't burst into tears. I'm so damned stupid. I had a small debate whether or not I should still call Thomas like he told me to or not and decided on the latter.

I was not mentally, emotionally, nor physically ready for the type of conversation we were going to have if called him. I stood up and looked around my room, observing the neatly folded laundry on the basket and my shoes aligned with other pairs. So Thomas removed some articles of my clothes, I guess I'm okay with that aside from the fact how ugly my body is. But what does it matter? My mentality was being torn into two until my phone beeped again.

'I know you're awake, love. We'll just talk when I pick you up then' -Thomas

I closed my eyes. I was again torn between irritability and giddiness, he wasn't my boyfriend. We only knew each other for three days now and he's being so overprotective and being touched that someone genuinely cared for my well-being. I threw my phone on my bed and proceeded to the shower, hoping it will help me clear my mind.


I was nervous when I walked down the stairs as slow as I possibly can. It was still really early, I usually had to rearrange my bag but since I didn't have my bag, I was 30 minutes earlier than intended. I could've used this time to sleep but here I was. Maybe I could text Thomas that I would be walking to school instead.

I brought out my phone and started texting when someone cleared their throat in front of me. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips before looking up at Thomas with an innocent smile. His eyebrows raised as he looked at me with an amused smile, motioning to the phone in my hands. I felt guilty for getting caught, I'm a nice person... but I'm not a nice person if I pretend to be nice only in front of other people am I?

"Good Morning to you too Thomas" I played dumb and attempted to casually to put my phone back.

"So you weren't just about to text me to leave?" he snickered before stepping towards me.

"It's not much of a big deal" I waved off with a roll of my eyes before I try to leave through the main doors. Thomas caught me by the wrist so I turned towards him even if I was conscious about my wrist, I acted as if his grip near my cuts wasn't affecting me.

"How about breakfast? You're not going to eat breakfast?" He asked, motioning to the kitchen.

"I already ate" I shrugged, my gran probably put it in the job description to cook for me and babysit the useless 17 year old but I threw the idea away. I was going to try to be genuinely happy today. I will try this time like I did almost every day, except yesterday. Yesterday was a Monday.

"You came from upstairs, the kitchen is here and there are no plates at the sink" he didn't let go of my wrist just yet and I was slowly getting used to his warmth around my skin. I was tempted to take off his grip around my wrist and just hold his hand but I resisted.

"What if I ate before I took a shower and I could wash my own dishes, sir" I made a face at him whilst I lied casually. I wait for the twitch and my eyes widen when the twitch of my finger is on the hand that he was holding. He smirked and let go of my hand.

"How did you know? And it's really none of your business if I do eat or not" I said softly, I made sure to make my voice soft to make sure I wasn't snapping at him. He frowned but immediately covered up with a small smile.

"The amount of times I've seen you lie within 3 days of knowing each other is too much and all those times, your finger twitches on your left hand" he explains, motioning to my hand whose wrist I was rubbing. "You're right, it's none of my business whether or not you eat but you will eat" he breaks into a grin.

This time it was my turn to frown, I wasn't going to eat. He won't be able to make me eat, not even through force feeding was he going to get me to eat.

"25 minutes. C'mon love" he motioned to the kitchen.


Author's Note: Everything is going incredibly slowly or nahh. I find it kind of slow but I like it this way, I'm kind of building it xD How do you guys like it so far- I'm going to stick to this plotline for sure. I kind of like how it is a bit but suggestions and comments are so welcomed!

Describe perfection in three words? Thomas Brodie Sangster.

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Peace out .xx

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