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I woke up to the sound of soft snoring and murmuring from my pillow. So either I was on drugs or my pillow was actually snoring and murmuring. I opened my eyes and looked up. Thomas looked so peaceful as he slept; his usually furrowed brows were resting, finally and his soft lips were parted. I brought my hand up and let my finger trail down softly from his cheek to his jawline. I jumped when he suddenly chuckled, immediately retracted my hand away.

"I liked that. It tickled a bit though" his deep morning voice said, he turned to me and grinned. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but smile back. He had his arm wrapped around me protectively and I had been resting my head on his bare chest. "Good morning, love" he greeted. It sounded as if he tried to raise his deep voice to a higher pitch but failed. His morning voice was giving me heart problems. 

"Morning" I whispered, everything was quiet and I didn't really want to break the silence. I was scared that if I did, everything would have started crumbling down in front of me and I would wake up to find it was all a dream. Then I would wake up and see Thomas genuinely in love with Mandy, my gran and her boyfriend getting married and everyone had left me behind.

"Why the frown?" Thomas broke my train of thoughts and I looked up, forcing a smile on my lips. I shook my head, still not wanting to utter a word. He raised a brow at me questioningly and I bit my lip. 

"Is this a dream?" I whispered, I must have sounded so stupid and childish. It was such a stupid question to ask but I was scared. 

"No. No it's not" he reassured me, he gave me a small smile before planting a kiss at the top of my head. I took a deep breathe and sighed, guess it was true when they said that kisses on top of the head make you feel safe. "This is real, alright? Don't be scared to be happy, Katy" he said seriously, looking at me directly in the eye. My heart felt pounded and faltered with the intensity of his gaze. 

"Okay. Now let's go make breakfast, I'm starving" I chuckled to lighten the serious atmosphere. His eyes widened and his lips parted agape a tad bit as if he was shocked? I frowned, did I say something wrong?

Suddenly he beamed and covered my face in kisses; I tried to turn away but he kept on kissing me. "Thomas!" I shrieked when he poked my sides. "Ugh, why are you happy in the morning?" I whined. I had rolled off of him to get away from his fingers and he took the advantage by hovering over me and using his hands as support, his face mere inches from mine.

"Because I'm proud of you- why do you keep asking questions?" he stuck his tongue out before kissing the tip my nose and pulling away. He was only in his boxers when he stood up, we were in my room so he had no clothes in here. I watched as he left for his room and decided to stay in bed longer. It was a Saturday after all. After a few minutes of attempting to go back to sleep, I rolled off of the bed and brought the duvet with me as I stepped down the stairs.

My gran was coming back next week on a Wednesday morning, which meant Thomas had to go back to his flat. I never really admitted it but I enjoyed having Thomas inside the house, it made the place feel a lot more comfortable and homey. As I stepped into the kitchen with the cape of the duvet trailing behind me, I saw Thomas' bare back facing me whilst he was cooking. I approached him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I rested my head on his bare back, thinking over how we ended up here and what we were. I needed to break-up with Jordan, if we were considered a thing seeing as he apparently only did that to boost his reputation. 

"Thomas, why'd you tell my friends that your full name was Thomas Brandon Styles?" I asked, remembering the triple date. I felt the muscles in his back tense before he answered.

"I didn't think they deserved to know it..." he trailed off. "Oh, and get changed. We're going to the clearing" he turned back to me a bit and I nodded, still thinking over what he said. I unwrapped my arms around him and turned back when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him before pressing a kiss to my lips. He pulled away and grinned before turning back to the pancakes whilst i stood there surprised. I chuckled at how weird and mildly spontaneous he was, I shook my head before I proceeded up the stairs. 


"I could potentially kill people if I drive" I exclaimed with my hands on the wheel because Thomas decided I needed to practice my driving skills. Little did he know that I only asked for driving lessons to fire him- was I still going to fire him? The obvious answer was no. An immediate  no. The plan inside my head dissipated and all I knew was that Thomas and I were definitely  not supposed to get caught red-handed. 

"I trust you" he shrugged whilst he clicked his seat belt on. I shook my head in disbelief before I started driving at a very  slow speed. He groaned and I laughed in response. Saturday morning and everyone was in the park and strolling with their kids. If I shifted the wrong gear or stepped on the wrong pedal or something, I could get someone really hurt; at this thought, my hands tightened around the steering wheel. 

Thomas reached out his hand and let it rest on my bare thigh. It was a bad idea to wear a dress to start with but I thought it looked bad-ass with Thomas' leather jacket... which I borrowed. My nerves were bad enough without his hand on my skin, he was making it worse. "Thomas. No" I said sternly. He chuckled in response before rolling down his window, still not taking his hand off of my thigh. I sighed and focused on the road. 

"You really need to relax" he chuckled, his hand rising higher up my thigh and under the hems of my dress. I gripped the wheel tighter and spared a glance- no, glare at him.

"Thomas! I swear, you are going to get us both killed" I hissed, trying to get his hand off of me. My heart was pounding and my thighs were clamped together.

"That's why I'm doing this, so you would relax" he laughed, his other reaching out to mine as he rubbed circles over my skin. His logic was unbelievable, did he not know what he was doing was making my heart pound faster and my grip tighter? I drove faster and turned to a road where I know people rarely pass by, it was rumoured to be haunted and pulled on the brakes. I realized, Thomas and I had a habit of stranding ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Thomas smirked and pulled away before getting out of the quickly. He walked to my side of the car and flung the door open before taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips against mine.

I immediately responded and his hands dropped down to my thighs. He gripped both of my thighs and pulled my body towards him. I let my arms snake around his neck and my fingers play with his caramel hair as his lips moved in sync with mine.The sound of a car passing by snapped us out of our daze and we pulled away immediately. We panted and he smirked.

"If you insist, I'll drive" he said and I burst out laughing. He watched me with an amused smile before I nodded and hopped off of the driver's seat, proceeding to the passenger's seat. My rightful throne, wow I was lame. He started the engine but his hands were on his lap as he stared at the road. We were quiet for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"Fuck it" he wrapped his arm around my waist and the other gripped my thigh and he lifted me to sit on his lap, my legs at the sides of his hips. I felt his bulge press against me and I moaned before he pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back immediately, my thoughts going everywhere.

Imagine kinky car sex with Thomas...

I chuckled into the kiss, remembering when this was just a joke between us. He pulled away and furrowed his brows in confusion, an amused smile playing on his lips. I bit my lip, debating in my head whether or not to tell him. His gaze transferred to my lips before he licked his own.

"Remember when we were kidding about having kinky car sex?" I laughed as I said it, ignoring his gaze flicking from my eyes to my lips. He burst out laughing when he remembered and I laughed along with him. 

"Oh yeah, yeah! Well, I wasn't planning  on kinky car sex but if you insist..." he trailed off, his tongue sticking out of his lips and a playful glint in his eyes. I gave him a blank look making him burst out laughing; I wasn't sure which atmosphere I preferred, sexual tension atmosphere or a playful, obnoxious Thomas. Seeing my lack of reaction he let his laughter subside and he gripped my thighs before pulling me against him more so I was directly on top of his bulge. "I wasn't kidding"


Author's Note: Ayeee! Let's smut it up! hahahaha rules again, you must be following to read the next smut chapter! I'm so happy right now for this but spoiler: I have to ruin everything hahahahahahahaha evil laughter. 

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Peace out lovelies.xx

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