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Author's note: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD 4.2K READS?! GUYS. GUYS. GUYSSS. Thank you so much for the 4.2k reads and all the votes and comments ! I really never thought it would be this popular to people thank you so much!! I love you guys so much ! Thank you again and enjoy the update! 

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I cheered loudly when I hit the cans with my second ball. I stuck my tongue out at Jordan who merely laughed at me, beside us- Thomas threw the ring which circled over the bottles neck making Mandy cheer for him. Lily and Nathan had the play guns and continued to bicker over who shot the most ducks.

"What would it be?" The man asked and I eyed the prizes, my eyes landed on a huge- and I mean huge pillow of a black pig, although the it didn't really look like a pig. It was the nose that gave it away, I pointed at it but the man frowned. "Sorry dove but that's the prize if you hit the cans 5 times in a row" he apologized and I felt my shoulders sag in disappointment. I nodded understandingly, I couldn't hit the cans that much times in a row and Jordan couldn't either. Trust me, I've watched him try at least 7 times before he let me take my turn.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Thomas glance at me so I turned to him but he looked away- pretending not to have glanced at me before I chose a book as one of the prizes, it was a book about Business scandals but it was way better than a book about why girls need to kneel in front of their man. I shuddered when I read it. I didn't open it but I stuffed it inside my bag for safekeeping; I actually felt like Mandy with a book about scandals in my bag but I brushed it off. Whilst I did my victory dance in front of Jordan, I watched Thomas as he stopped throwing the ring midway and brought out his phone. He looked up to me and discreetly showed me his phone screen. I saw the alarm and I nodded.

"What do you want?" He asked me after we successfully distracted Mandy and Jordan. I didn't feel like eating, I wasn't even hungry but I guess that was the purpose of the alarm after all. Thomas insisted on putting an alarm so I wouldn't forget to eat.

"Do I have to?" I whined, I really didn't feel hungry. I didn't want to eat, even if I wanted to- I couldn't.

"Katy" he said in a warning tone and I groaned. I could've easily said no to Thomas- but did I want to see the disappointment in his eyes? No. I didn't.

"Fine. You know me well enough to know what I'm willing to eat anyways so..." I trailed off. We were behind one of the playing stalls, although I didn't know why we were hiding- it probably became instinctive for us to hide.

"Can I break one rule?" He asked out of nowhere and my eyebrows shoot up.

"You do know the purpose of rules is not to break them, right?" I chuckled at him although I was pretty curious which rule he wanted to break. He stepped towards me and smirked before he leaned in quickly and pressed his lips to mine. I was such a hypocrite- especially since I kissed him back. We stayed that way for a few seconds, I savored his soft, sweet lips against mine until he pulled away. With one last wink, he left me dumbfounded to get our pizza. My heart raced from the mere seconds of his lips on mine.

I closed my eyes and sighed exasperatedly. He kissed me. And I kissed him back. Both of our dates just two stalls away from the one we were hiding behind. Even if the guilt was eating me inside, I couldn't help but feel happy and relieved. It was like that kiss was our breather from pretending we were nothing to each other. God knows I needed it- pretending you like someone who you disgust and despise is tiring.

Last time we'll break a rule. Last time.

"Where's Thomas?" I pretended to ask to Mandy who was busy watching the mime sit down in thin air. She cheered along with the crowd before she turned to me.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now