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Author's note: this one is more of a filler chapter because Thomas isn't here much hahahaha


"Oooh! Someone had fun last night" Mandy wiggles her eyebrows at me playfully and the guilt and panic rushed in my chest. I laugh it off, hoping to change the subject.

"Is that why you were late for Calculus? He must've been really good, who is it?" Lily joins in, Jordan focuses on his worksheets beside me. Keeping quiet, I felt guiltier for shouting at one of my close friends.

"No one you guys know" I wave it off, I was about to change the subject but the girls were persistent.

"He left a hickey on your neck and you're wearing his polo right now aren't you?" Lily squeals, my eyes widen. I am horrible at hiding things, it's like everyone has noticed. Haven't they heard of women's polo's?

"That top of yours looks familiar" Mandy tilted her head, staring at my polo. She gasped and I panicked. Did she recognize it as Thomas' polo? In prepare to explain myself and some lies to cover it up but she grins and my theory of her concluding to Thomas dissolves. "Guess who I went on a date with yesterday!" She exclaims.

Jordan finally lifts up his head and joins in the conversation. Lily and Nathan were too busy being a couple of you know what I mean.

"I was with Thomas yesterday and let me tell you something, he is hot. Even hotter up close" she winks and I squirm in my seat, feeling uncomfortable and maybe even a little jealous.

"You went on a date with Katy's driver? What time yesterday?" Jordan asks and I turn to him, confused by his sudden interest but Mandy seemed happy to be asked.

"In the morning, he brought me to the library then we went to the park-"

"What time Mandy?" He interrupts her, she glared at him before answering. I snickered but said nothing.

"We were together from 10 am to 8 in the evening, Jordan. What is with you?" She snaps, flipping her hair and for the first time, I thank her sassy attitude.

"It's nothing. Katy, I need to talk to you in private about our Literature project" he says, already standing up and folding his worksheets. Mandy and I share a look before I wave goodbye to the group and follow Jordan to God knows where. We stop right outside the the cafeteria doors and I look at him expectantly. Maybe I could apologize now for shouting at him earlier.

He points at me with a forced laugh, "You're fucking your driver aren't you?" He says directly and I'm taken aback.

"What are you talking about?" It's these times that I curse Jordan's intelligence no matter how much he helps in Biology.

"Last night, or rather, this morning I saw your drivers car around the neighborhood. I thought he was there for Mandy but like Mandy said, they were only together until 8 pm. Lily lives in the center of the city so who else could he there for?" He says, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Fine. You want to know so badly then here it goes: I called Thomas at 3 in the morning because I wanted to meet my boyfriend at the beach" I lie smoothly, I curl my hands into fists so he wouldn't see the twitch. "We were arguing earlier because he wanted me to tell my gran about my boyfriend but I said no. Anything that I missed father?"

He's quiet for awhile, processing the lies I've told him. "You have a boyfriend? Who is he then? What school?"

"That is really none of your business!" Why is he so ruddy nosy? Usually I would understand people but he's sticking his nose where it isn't supposed to be in.

He nods and puts his hands up in surrender. "Alright, I'm sorry for pestering you. I just get worried, alright?"

I take a deep breathe and nod. Relieved he believed the pathetic excuse of a lie I gave him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, but next time- please mind your own business" I plead. He nods and extends his arms sideways, inviting me for a hug which I take. Anyways, we're just friends and yet again, my mind is on Thomas. As we part ways, I recall my argument with Thomas earlier.

Because I'm jealous! Because I can't stand other guys looking at you! Because I know I shouldn't be overprotective!

A blush creeps up my cheeks as a burst of happiness explodes in my chest. I can't help the goofy smile play on my lips at the thought of Thomas getting jealous. I found it sweet, he cared about me more than he should. I drowned at the realization that Thomas and I were developing feelings for each other, that's not good. That is the exact opposite of what I needed to happen. Distance from Thomas, maybe the feelings will die out and we wouldn't have a scandal. Then Mandy will get her guy and our high standardized community wouldn't be so suspicious and Jordan... Wouldn't suspect exactly what was happening. It was a win-win situation for everyone if we didn't have these weird feelings for each other.

I bring out my phone and my eyebrows shoot up seeing 13 new messages and 6 missed calls, all from Thomas. The same butterflies in my stomach rioted and my heart rate increased, I had an internal debate on whether or not I should open them. It could be important.



'Katy, could you at least reply with a letter so I know you're alive?'

'You're not picking up'

'Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you this morning'

'Could you pick up now?'

'Or reply at least?'

'I won't be so overprotective anymore! I promise!'

'I'll do whatever you ask'

'I shouldn't have these weird feelings for you, I'll stop them'

'It's like talking to a brick wall'

'I should probably stop'

'I just remembered, you always put your phone on silent whilst your in class'

'Shit I'm so stupid, no wonder you're not replying'

I laugh at his texts, a stupid smile playing on my lips. My heart was pounding, but I drop my smile immediately. My thumbs hovered over the keyboard, unsure if I should reply or not. I took a deep breathe trying to decide, would it hurt to reassure him? But why does he have to know? Then again he already saw that I've read his messages, I bite my lip and decided not to answer him back.

The more we chat or talk like this, the more we'll have feelings for each other and that obviously can't happen.

What happened between us was only between us. It will never happen again.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now