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Thomas opened a box and handed it to me. I subconsciously took one sandwich and handed back the container to Thomas who took the other sandwich. He was so carefree about it all, it was as if he talked to anxious, self-harming freaks like me all the time. I stayed quiet and took a bite out of my sandwich. It felt so foreign to actually have food in my mouth. Damn, I wasn't supposed to eat for 36 hours. Thomas glanced at me but I continued to stare down the boulder, we were at such a great height. If I fell, I would definitely have a sprained ankle.

"Alright, maybe I'm pressuring you to talk. I'm sorry, Miss Thompson" He sighed before taking a bite out of his sandwich. I waited for a few seconds before I looked up at him.

"It's Katy remember?" I gave him a small smile. He looked confused for a millisecond before letting his palm hit his forehead.

"I keep forgetting, it's just that in the contract- it's mandatory for me to call you Miss Thompson to establish an employee-employer relationship" Thomas dictated and I nodded understandingly. I kind of thought my gran would do something like this. I kept quiet for a few seconds before I turned to Thomas whilst wiggling my eyebrows in a playful manner.

"How about this, you call me Miss Thompson when there are other people around so they won't tattle on you. We'll act formal and employee like when they're around so you won't have any trouble but when it's just both of us, you call me Katy" I explained with hand gestures because that's how I talked in front of the mirror. I'm weird like that before I turned to him and noticed he was staring at my lips. He covered up and looked up to my eyes innocently. I felt the tingle of heat reaching up again on my cheeks and a smile hopelessly tugged on my lips so I bit my lip so it won't be obvious. This sexual tension will be the death of me.

"So basically, between us is just between us. Correct? All of it?" He confirmed and I nodded. "Sounds good to me, Katy" he said, testing it. I smiled at how he said my name and we continued to eat our breakfast with a lot of laughing and talking. Probably the most talking and laughing in a very long time.


Thomas got out of the car and opened my door, helping me out. He had his shades on this time, making him look just as mysterious as the first time I met him. There were tons of students by this time and most of them were staring at Thomas and me. By most of them, I mean girls were ogling over Thomas and I completely understood why. I just didn't like it when they stared at him like they were ready to spread their legs if he asked.

"Do you have Drama practices today?" he asked, completely oblivious to the girls' stares. I shook my head; "and don't you think I've forgotten about our talk. I'll get you to open up eventually" he continues. I chuckled at him, keyword of his sentence is eventually. Probably never.

"I have Drama practices every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" I said, not bothering to respond to the latter statement.

"Then I'll pick you up early this afternoon, Miss Thompson" he nodded with a ghost of a smile playing on his face. It could've been a trick of the light but I thought I saw him glance briefly at my lips before he turned around and getting into the car. I turned around and immediately spotted Mandy and Lily waving me over whilst I heard the engine of the car start and drove off. Although I knew they've already seen Thomas, I was still praying that they just arrived when Thomas started the car.

"The freshmen have seen him well and now so did us. You're hiding a fine specimen, Katy" Mandy immediately started when I got to the small group. There goes my prayer, I knew it wouldn't work anyways. I laughed it off unsure of what to say before Mandy and Lil start babbling about Thomas.

"Imagine how good he is in bed, sex in the car is kinky"

I bit my lip as I brought out my book when I heard snippets of their conversation as we enter the school. I was hoping to block them out but it was as if I needed to hear what they were saying about Thomas. Ignorance is bliss and yet here I was eavesdropping.

"His fingers are long too, did you see his jawline?"

My eyes scanned over the same line, over and over again but as hard as I tried to focus on the words, I couldn't block them out.

"Jawline was made for Gods. But his shoulders-"

I shut my book sharply, not being able to bare what they were saying. I felt so uncomfortable and uneasy with the way they were talking about Thomas. It's not like we were together, for God's sake 3 days and I'm already this clingy and overprotective over him. I hated this, whatever it was. Mandy and Lily turned to me in confusion and I forced a smile again.

"I just remembered, I have to study for my Economics test. I'll see you girls later" I lied with a grin before dashing away from them. I weaved myself through the students with ease, running away has always been the only thing I was good at. I didn't know where to go though. The school library was an open space, the toilets were always filled with other girls and the rooftop... was worth a try.

I paused and I caught my breath before I climbed the steps and pushed the door open. For some reason, the janitor never locks the door at night. It was the other way around for him I guess. The breeze of the wind pushed my hair away from my face and I took a deep breathe. I could breathe again, figuratively, since I'm suffocating whenever I'm with people who-

"Kathelyn?" A voice made me jump

"Jordan?" I managed to croak out. Why in God's name did I think of Thomas? Of all people, why Thomas?

Author's note: hey guys 😁😁

I've been writing day and night for these chapters, I really hope you guys like them 😴😴

Comments are totally accepted, I really need to know what pace you guys want because as the author, I need to know what get you girls moving 😂😂

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Peace out guys. Xx


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