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As we enter, I legitimately let my mouth fall agape. Of course it wasn't the largest and the most expensive but it was definitely wide spaced and cozy. Mallow immediately ran to the corner of the living room with his bed on it and his food and water bowls. I looked around with envy, why did Thomas have my dream flat?

I only ever envisioned myself in a flat and not in a house because I found flats cozier and a lot more welcoming. Thomas started to the living room after removing his leather shoes and started picking up whatever was on the floor in the living room.

"Like I said, I didn't plan your arrival here so excuse the mess" he said, attempting to fix and clean up the mess that I didn't even notice. I stared around the room in envy, it was the flat I had always envisioned myself in; a few minor adjustments here and there but it was perfect. "I know it's disappointing, compared to the big mansions-"

"Are you insane? This is perfect! I have so many questions but first, I wanted to let you know that I love your flat" I rushed before throwing a hand over my mouth. This was the giddy excitement bursting out of me.  He looked confused before grinning.

"I try to understand your logic, Katy" he laughed, I got rid of my shoes and continued to look around. Thomas was still trying to make things neat but I waved him off.

"Stop fussing over my presence, Sangster. I know I'm royal but you have to relax" I joked and he laughed. I was torn between an extremely high self esteem and trying to kill myself from how pathetic I am.

"You're me queen" he played along but I couldn't ignore my heart skipping a beat as he said it. "But it's time to get you cleaned up, I can't take you seriously with ice tea stain and pickles on you" he laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Need I remind you this is your fault?" I narrowed my eyes at him, he laughed even more before waving me over to follow him. I sew the cream colored carpet that Thomas pictured Mallow in under a classy glass table. I saw his Kitchen from here, his flat had no dividers.

The first thing I saw as we enter was the white, king sized bed with obviously fluffy comforters and pillows. "Do you live alone?" I asked to make sure. He proceeded to his closet and started rummaging through clothes. My heart jumped, Was I going to wear his clothes? Why was I so excited about that? If anything, it was creepy as hell since wearing other people's clothing  was intimate.

He glanced back at me and nodded before going back to his business. The fact that he was so focused on finding me clothes amused me, even if all I really needed was a shirt. "What a big bed for just one person" I commented quietly. I saw Thomas freeze for awhile before he continued. He was not supposed to hear that. I continued to look around, deciding on not to comment at all because my mouth is annoyingly uncontrollable. I tried to look for pictures of him but I saw no photo frames at all, weird.

"Er- I don't really have anything your size at all, this is the smallest I've got" he said turning around whilst scratching his neck awkwardly. He held out a plain white v-neck and I took it gratefully. "You can change here or in the bathroom, whichever you prefer" he shrugged, pointing at the door beside the closet. I nodded and smiled at him gratefully before he left and I started to remove my shirt.

I grimaced at the cold feeling of the shirt and at the smell of pickles and ice tea. Crap, the stink stuck on me. I sighed and smelled myself one more time to make sure and cringed. Damn it. I needed to wipe myself to get rid of the stench. I brought the v-neck with me as I proceeded to the bathroom. I didn't bother to hide my envy as Thomas wasn't here anyways, what would he think of a girl so ungrateful with a 'mansion and everything served on a silver platter' wanting a cozy flat like his? His bathroom tiles were white and matte gray, it was so sophisticated and classy looking unlike the peach-pink one I have at home. Like I said, I was an ungrateful brat.

I got a small cup from the side and filled it with water before grabbing some toilet paper and wiping myself off under his shirt that I just put on. I started making my way out holding the cup and wiping my skin when the door flung open and the cup flew from my hand. I gasped when I feel freezing cold water take over my legs and basically almost my whole body if it weren't my face. Thomas stared at me before bursting out laughing, he clutched his stomach as he doubled over from laughter.

"You-you- why?" I exclaimed exasperatedly. Now what will I wear? Both my pants and the shirt were soaked, did I mention my socks were drenched too? He continued to laugh at me whilst I pouted at him. I shivered from the cold water and pulled the shirt and pants layer away from my skin.

"You just love getting me wet, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes at him but instead of feeling threatened or apologizing, he bursted out laughing even harder; making me look at him confused.

"You know I love making you wet, baby" he winked with a mischievous smile and my eyes widened in realization.

"Thomas Brodie-Sangster!" I gasped scoldingly. I could not believe this child. I stared at the laughing figure of Thomas before bursting out laughing too. I had to admit, it was pretty funny. "This is not funny!" I whined, a laugh escaped my lips whilst I said it.

"It's not funny, it's hilarious!" He exclaimed before laughing even harder, I doubt he had space to breathe properly.

"Two can play at this game, Sangster" I challenged before I swiftly picked up the cup and filled it with water. Before he got to dodge, I threw the water at his chest and he gasped loudly. The expression on his face was priceless and I bursted out laughing. His facial expression changed and the mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked up at me was the only warning I had to run. I swiftly slid out behind him and I started running past his bed.

"It's time to bathe, Thompson" I heard him call out menacingly and I bursted out in giggles when I felt his arms snake around my waist. Like hell was I going to let him catch me. I dropped to the ground and slipped through his arms before jumping over the sofa easily. I turned around and saw him in a silly fighting stance making me burst out laughing.

"You've got to catch me first, Sangster"

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now