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"What are you doing here?" I asked, still completely confused as to why the playboy, the popular bad boy was doing alone on the school's rooftop.

"I'd ask you the same thing" he approached me. He was wearing a black Nirvana shirt with black jeans, making me shiver for him, even if I was wearing a thick hoodie. The breeze on the roof was always stronger and colder, compared to me who was already wearing a hoodie and feeling cold, how much more for Jordan who was only in a shirt?

"I needed some fresh air before class starts" I shrugged, not really lying not telling the whole truth either but it wasn't as if it was his business so I shouldn't care. He looked at me for a few seconds looking unconvinced before shrugging and waving me over. I looked around the rooftop and back at the door but it was really just the two of us. We approached the edge of the rooftop and he took the first move by throwing his legs over the ledge so he was sitting on it.

"C'mon, don't be scared" he waved over and I mentally rolled my eyes. Trust me when I say I'm not scared of falling not dying. Despite my internal comments, I obliged and sat beside him on the ledge.

"Our drama script..." He trailed off and I turned to look at him expectantly. The dialogues are ruthless, they're disgusting" he finished with a scowl and I was taken by surprise at his response. Here I thought he enjoyed the part. "And don't tell me you don't find it disgusting because I can see it in your face. You hate the script as much as I do" he pointed at me accusingly.

My mouth was left agape, unsure of what to say. If he hates the script, I couldn't help but think that maybe he could relate to one of the characters who were being mocked which explains why he hates his role. Ironic how the people who're being mocked in the drama play as those who mock.

"We can't really do anything about it, can we?" I gave him a defeated smile. He looked away and sighed, he looked broken and tired. I only noticed how dark his eye bags are and how his cheeks were hollowed. Why had I not noticed these things with Jordan before? Oh right, because I had dubbed him as... Well one of us. The popular, perfect people who were incredibly far from perfect. We could faintly hear the bell ring from where we were and I gave him another smile but a genuine smile, glad I was trusted to see the real Jordan. "C'mon or we'll be late for class"

"No, the common ratio should be raised to n minus one so that's 5 raised to 99" I explained to Jordan who squinted at our worksheets. We were under a tree, I was waiting for Thomas who was a little delayed by an hour. It could be a traffic jam for all I know.

While waiting for him to understand, I distractedly look for the familiar black car and Thomas but neither were there yet. I sighed and looked back to Jordan who suddenly lit up.

"Oh! I get it now! Thanks a lot" he gave me a wide grin before continuing with the equation and entering things in the calculator. I leaned my back against the tree and scanned the grounds, worried about Thomas. Seeing no one at the driveway, I looked behind the tree, remembering we had a parking lot.

At first, I didn't see the black car but when I did, I felt my heart drop. There was Thomas pressed to the side with Mandy right in front of him- scratch that, pressed against him. I quickly look back to my front and gulp. What were they doing? They weren't snogging but they weren't exactly at a friendship space. Then again, what did I care?

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost" Jordan said and I instinctively reached my hand to my face which oddly felt warmer than usual. I felt my ears burn and my hands got to my ears to cool it down.

"Me? Oh yeah- no. I'm f-fine" I stuttered and forced a smile but I probably just looked constipated. He looked at me totally unconvinced, scanning my face whilst I forced on a better smile. What is wrong with me today?

He bit the sides of his cheeks so they would hollow before nodding and turning away. I mentally thanked him since didn't ask because I wouldn't have known what to tell him anyways. I glanced at his worksheet before looking back behind the tree. Thomas had his head in his hand with Mandy's hands all over him. I saw he looked stressed and worried. He had a phone pressed to his ear while pushing Mandy away gently. I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I saw it, the weight over my heart and shoulders lifted; was he stressing over me? For some reason, u felt happy he was but it was probably just the relief of going home. I covered my mouth so he wouldn't spot me but it was too late as he lifted his head and our eyes met. His shoulders visibly relaxed and he dropped the hand holding the phone before brushing past Mandy and towards the tree.

I bit my lip, fighting off a smile. Why am I smiling? Why do I feel giddy? I'm disgusting myself with these mushy feelings.

"What's up with you? Why are you so-?"

"Miss Thompson" Thomas interrupted Jordan who looked confused as ever. I bit into the sides of my cheeks to keep from laughing or even smiling and nodded.

"I- uhh..." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to remember what I was saying. "I-I'll text you later, I have to go" I motioned to Thomas, giving him a controlled smile before standing up and grabbing my bag; which he dutifully returned. He stood up as soon as I did and looked between Thomas and me.

"I'm Jordan Sanchez, pleasure to meet you" Jordan held out his hand to Thomas, who glanced at me hesitantly before shaking hands with Jordan. I don't understand the formality; we're all young adults here.

"Thomas, pleasure to meet you as well"

I bit my lip, feeling awkward. Why do I feel awkward? There's nothing awkward about this situation aside from their formality which they brought entirely upon themselves really.

"Are you Katy's boyfriend?" Jordan asked, pointing between us and eyeing Thomas' suit. Thomas and I looked at each other, unsure of what to say. No was the obvious answer, since we really weren't dating but... Why we were unsure? I don't know. What the hell?

"Err- No, I'm her chauffeur" Thomas stated firmly and I looked away whilst nodding. Am I really the only one who feels awkward for no actual reason? I'm overthinking things again and it's stressing me out to a different level.

"Chauffeur? As in, her driver?" Jordan scoffed and I smacked him on the arm with a frown. How rude, although it was true- he sounded as if he was belittling Thomas for that. Jordan, of all people, shouldn't be doing this but here he was. He rubbed his arm and I glared at him. "Sorry" he muttered, looking down.

"It's alright, it's true after all. Well it was a pleasure to meet you Mister Sanchez but we must leave now. Have a good evening" Thomas nodded before leading me to the car. I looked back and waved to Jordan who had a smile playing on his face. Their formality was suffocating, it made me feel like I was in a Victorian England setting with formal adults. As we approach the car, I spotted Mandy and remember what she was trying to do.

She winked at Thomas who she saw first before waving at me innocently, a sickening smile on her face. When we were closer to her, she approached me while Thomas opened my door. "He's a keeper" she whispered in my ear before winking at me and dashing away.

I blinked, still processing what just happened while entering the car. I watched Thomas make his way to the other side and starting the car before pulling out the parking lot.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now