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I had sex with Thomas Brodie-Sangster, my chauffeur

Just when I told myself that I should distance myself from him, I end up f•cking him? Slow clap, Katy. You really distanced yourself from him tonight, good job.

Why am I so bloody stupid?

"Bloody hell, we should not have done that" Thomas voices my thoughts and I gulp, nodding slightly. We were quiet for a few seconds, both of us in deep thought.

Nothing leaves this room anyways, right? Anything and everything between us is just between us. Wordlessly, I extend my pinky once again, not looking at him but at the ceiling. I feel his pinky curl around mine before I turn to him to see he was already looking at me. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the heat spreading over my body once again. That's enough Kathelyn Nicole Thompson.

"It's just this once. I promise" I whisper, more to myself than to him. He nodded vaguely before I lean towards him and rest my head on his bare chest, his hot skin pressed against my cheek. Fatigue overcame my body and I actually felt tired- correction, exhausted. I let my arm drape over his torso as he wraps his arms around me too.

"Just this once" he repeats before I felt a duvet drape over both of us. I sighed, contented and relieved I could finally get some sleep. Even if the panic was starting to bloom in my chest, I ignored it and closed my eyes; letting myself drift into wonderland.


"Katy. Katy, wake up bab- Kathelyn" a voice corrected itself before I feel my body being shook. I groaned in response before snuggling up even more to my pillow- which for some reason is hard. No matter, I need sleep. A pillow is a pillow no matter what. "You have to wake up, Katy. You have class in 7 minutes!" The voice urged. It took me a few seconds to process the words but when I actually did, I shot up.

"What?!" I shrieked, the events that happened before I fell asleep came in my head like a tidal wave. Not only am I stupid enough to fuck Thomas but stupid enough to do it on a ruddy school day. Thomas hopped off the bed, still shirtless and his joggers hung dangerously low his hips, exposing his v-lines. I gulped and looked away, focus. You're late.

I computed in my head but I didn't have to, it doesn't take a genius to know that I don't have time to go home and change into new clothes. Remembering clothes, I looked down on myself and grabbed the duvet to cover my lower half. At least I had my bra on? Thomas scanned me before snickering, rummaging through his closet.

"Why 4am of all the times we could've done that?" I whined before I stand up, bringing the duvet with me and wrapping it around my body.

"Here wear this, you left your jeans here from last time you were here" he says, throwing garments of clothing. I had a split-second debate whether or not to change in front of him before dropping the duvet and slipping on the clothes he gave me, in front of him. I would've scolded myself if it weren't for the panic, making my movements jerking. I try to recall my first class and cussed loudly when I remember it's calculus. I see him moving quickly as well, rushing to put on his suit.

"Do you not know how obvious wearing a guy's polo to school is?" I comment, buttoning it up anyways. The hem of the shirt ended at my mid-thighs. I looked up at him as he tightened his necktie around his neck. He eyes my body up and down, making a blush creep up my cheeks.

"Unless you want a shirt that's hanging off of your shoulders then-" he puts his blazer over himself.

"Sure, why not?" I joke, I look at myself trough the mirror and decided to start folding the sleeves. I stop halfway when I realize I didn't bring my bracelets to cover my scars.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now