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Author's Note: important ! Good news people! I decided to add an update day! SO THE NEW SCHEDULE TO UPDATE IS ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY!

Also, thank you so so much for the 3k reads!! Holy shit I cannot fucking even I screamed when I saw it! Thank you guys so much so as a thank you, here's a Sunday double chapter ;)


"How's school?" Thomas asked me whilst he got in the car. I gasped audibly and cheered when I saw Mallow at the backseat, this just means we're either going to our clearing or Mallow's finally coming home to me. I can't wait to show her my room, she's going to sleep on my bed and- "Katy? Earth to Katy?"

"What?" I turned to Thomas who pointed outside the car, since we haven't left yet. He refused to start the car unless I had my seat belt on, he was such a father. I looked to where he was pointing and squinted my eyes to Mandy waving around frantically. Was she waving at me? I looked at the back of the car to see people staring at Mandy but no one from our year, I hesitantly stepped out of the car and walked towards Mandy who stopped waving when he saw me coming towards him halfway. "You could've just texted me you know" I chuckled.

"Yes, but it wouldn't be as sweet" she squealed before she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the tree where we usually hung out until I get picked up. Now that I think about it, why can't I just get my own car like a normal teenager? Or maybe even go through public transportation like the others? Then again, I don't regret having Thomas as a chauffeur. She used her hands to cover my eyes and I nearly tripped. I could die from being blinded by Mandy, I heard shuffling before my eyesight came back. My eyes flicked immediately to the parking lot where I saw Thomas walking towards my direction before I looked to the tree where pieces of paper stuck to the trunk of the tree.

"Kathelyn Thompson, would you go on a date with me?" Jordan asked as he moved to the side to expose the pieces of paper that spelled 'date?' He held roses that he handed to me and I looked around to see everyone watching. I had no choice. Had it been a private question, I could've rejected softly but he had announced it and I didn't want to embarrass him in front of the school. This was a change too, he never asked a girl out; this must be his first. I guess this is what Dean meant when he said Jordan liked me for years now. Thomas had arrived, his eyes scanned the tree then on Jordan before it landed on me. His eyebrows furrowed and I felt a vague stab in my chest, as if I was betraying Thomas by saying yes. But we weren't dating were we? My eyes flicked from Thomas to Jordan who waited, doubt written on his face.

"Sure, why not?" I chuckled nervously, my eyes stayed on Thomas who watched me with a frown but he said nothing. I saw Jordan beam from my peripheral vision before he took me into his arms and hugged me. I hugged back weakly, my eyes watched as Thomas looked away and walked away. The vague pain worsened in my chest. What was this feeling? Thomas and I weren't even dating and yet I feel horrible. But I couldn't really say anything, especially with everyone else watching.

"Thomas, wait!" I thought I had called him but I didn't. I pulled away from Jordan immediately when I saw Mandy approach Thomas, whose eyes immediately connected with mine before he looked at Mandy. I watched their exchange. "Let's all go on a double date! It would be so cute!" she cheered as she motioned to Jordan and I. I frowned and gulped, Please say no. Please say no. I mentally slapped myself, how selfish could I get? I said 'yes' to Jordan and Thomas has to say 'no' to Mandy even though they've been dating. Holy Crap, Mandy and Thomas are dating and we've slept together. Was that considered cheating? Did Thomas cheat on Mandy with me? And what happened last Friday in the abandoned classroom? The guilt ate my guts as I watched Thomas nod to Mandy with a half smile.

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