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I stared at the wall and closed my eyes again but sleep wasn't coming anytime soon. I heard faint vibrating but I ignored it. I needed sleep, tomorrow was a Monday or was it today already? What time was it anyways?

My phone blared for the second call and I sighed before reaching out to get it under the pillow next to mine. I looked at the time first and saw it was 3:42 AM. That's bloody great then. I looked at the ID caller next and frowned.

"Hello?" I whispered, my voice weak from not talking at all for the past several hours.

"You haven't been answering my texts, what happened to you?" I wanted to hate his voice but I couldn't.

"Thomas, you woke me up at 3 AM to ask why I wasn't answering your messages?" I lied, I couldn't sleep at all. I came home straight after the library and locked myself in my room; not eating anything at all for the whole day.

"I was worried, I'm sorry" he apologized and I cursed my heart beat for increasing.

"Don't be, it's not your job to be worried about me" I thanked my deep 'I was trying to fall asleep' voice because it made people think I actually fell asleep. Joke's on me though, my head was pounding and I needed sleep for school.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I frowned.

"I did until someone called me at 3 in the morning" I hissed, my eyes widened at the venom in my voice. I felt irritated but I didn't mean to say it so hatefully. I always promised myself that I wouldn't talk the way that other people did to me but my tongue was uncontrollably sharp sometimes. There was silence in the other line and I felt horrible. I was about to apologize but Thomas had already started talking.

"Right, well- I'll see you in a couple of hours" he said, I parted my lips to apologize but the beep of the call signaled it's end. I groaned and threw my phone away from me in frustration. What was wrong with me? I thought it over, then I realized that being mean to him was a good thing.

Maybe Thomas would start focusing on Mandy instead of me. I hated it and it hurt me by the mere thought of it but I brushed it off. Stop being selfish Katy.

I sat up and looked around me feeling lost. So many questions and unfinished conclusions drifted in my head, it actually felt suffocating in my room for once. I spotted my window and walked towards it, pulling the curtain to the side. It was dark of course, the street lamps barely gave off light, I squinted my eyes at an odd black outline that pulled up in front of our driveway and I saw it was a car.

I waited for a few moments but no one came out, I turned around ready to go down and check it out but decided that I could just climb out the window. I opened my window and threw my leg over the side, carefully steadying myself as I stood on the roof. I took a deep breathe and felt the cold air wrap around me, I realized I was only in my thin tank top and boxer shorts. How smart of me.

I bent down and watched as the drivers door opened and Thomas came into view.

"Katy! What the hell do you think you're bloody doing?" He whispered loudly, his whispering skills were getting worse each day.

"I should be asking you the same thing, what are you doing here?" I whispered back, creeping up the railing.

"N-no no no. Don't come any lower! You're going to fall" he panicked and I couldn't help but chuckle. I did as he said and stayed where I was, although still really near the rails. I looked at him expectantly whilst folding me legs in an Indian sitting position.  "I-I don't know. I felt lost and for some reason my brain got me here" he shrugged.

I tilted my head and stared at him, thinking over his answer. He waved me over and I frowned.

"I might wake up my gran if I pass through the main door" I said. Truth be told, I just didn't want to be near him- well I did but I knew I shouldn't.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now