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I stared at my phone as it rung for probably the hundredth time now, Thomas' name and face flashing on the screen. I felt the stab of pain as I remembered everything and another batch of tears streamed down my cheeks. I wrapped my coat around my body tighter as the gale blew harder from where I was. I was able to climb on top of the boulder with the help of large rocks I found around the clearing. It was dark and the only light came from my phone and the moon, everything else was quiet.

I loved the silence. I loved being by myself with no one to explain to. But I couldn't help but admit that I did miss Thomas' presence.

I watched as my phone stopped ringing and it dinged. I had 23 messages from Lil and Mandy, 20 from my gran and 16 missed calls from Thomas. It was dark and dangerous at this time and I wasn't even home, of course they were worried but I didn't respond to any of them. I didn't want to. I wanted to disappear forever. If I just stayed here a little while longer, then they'd forget about me and I could move freely; without anyone breathing down my shoulder. I sighed and wiped my tears away just as I heard the squealing of a car's brakes and snapping of twigs. I gasped and immediately jumped down from the boulder, feeling the pain on my foot as I landed but I stayed quiet and hid behind the large boulder, peeking from the side.

I saw Thomas looking around the clearing with a distressed facial expression and his hair sticking in every direction. His tie was loose and askew as he looked around lost, he was looking for me. When he saw nothing, he groaned in frustration before he threw his fist upon a tree. I flinched for him, it hurt me to see him like this and to know I was the cause. He leaned on the tree and for the first time, I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. I brought my hand to mouth in surprise, I've never seen Thomas cry.

"Dear God, I need her safe. She's been missing for the whole bloody day!" he yelled and I bit my lip, looking down. C'mon Tommy, it's for the best. I hadn't attended school nor had I informed anyone where I was. I haven't eaten nor slept in more than 24 hours and I was fine with that. I turned back the other way; I couldn't bear watching Thomas like this. "I just need to know she's alright and she's safe. I just need her in my arms right now!" he screamed in frustration, his voice echoing around the words. I bit my lip, the feeling of hallowed numbness spread across my chest as I struggled to pin down what I was feeling.

I peeked at the side of the rock again and saw him sigh before bringing his phone up to his ear. It took me a second to realize what was happening before my eyed widened but it was too late as my phone blared. I cursed under my breath and scrambled for my phone, shutting it off. But it was too late.

Thomas jogged to where I was and I stood up, ready to get away from him but he didn't even give me a second before he wrapped his arms around me tightly, his face buried at the crook of my neck. I froze, unsure of what to do or say. He hugged me tightly until I decided it was enough to reassure him I was fine; that was all he needed anyways. I pressed my palms to his chest and pushed him away to expose his tear stained cheeks and pinched eyebrows, his eye bags darkened under the light as he stared at me with stress in his eyes and in every line of his face.

"Don't you know how worried we've been? We've been looking all over for you!" he exclaimed exasperatedly. I shook my head at him and stepped away farther from him.

"Well, you've found me. You can leave now" I shooed as I turned away but he grabbed my arm and I flinched at the pressure on my cuts, especially the ones that I just had awhile back. He immediately let go of my arm but he made me face him nonetheless without saying anything about my arm.

"You've got to come home, Katy. It's not safe out here! Please!" he begged and I glared at him.

"What do you care?! You could just go back home to your murderer father and your little sister and live your perfect life as the prodigal Sangster" I snapped. His jaw clenched but he didn't yell at me.

"Come back home, Katy. If you can't do it for me, do it for you gran. If you can't do it for her, do it for you friends. They're worried sick about you, Mandy is bawling her eyes out right now worried sick about you" he pointed towards the car, using the guilt card on me. Was it true? Mandy was crying over me? I stared at him to see any sign of him lying, although it would have been hard considering he's been lying to me the whole bloody time and I didn't even notice, but I saw none. I closed my eyes and sighed exasperatedly before I pushed past him and towards the car.

He opened the door for me and I stepped in quietly, bringing my knees to my chest; I didn't bother putting on my seatbelt as I looked out the window. Thomas clicked on my seatbelt for me after he got in but I still didn't say anything.

"Even seatbelts couldn't have saved my parents" I muttered darkly. I knew he was going to burst but I didn't care. I saw him struggle internally with his hands gripping the wheel tightly as he drove.

"Why the bloody hell do you think I became your chauffeur, Katy? Just for laughs? Just to check on the girl we saw on the telly?" he mocked. I felt my jaw clench and my hands curl into fists but I said nothing.

"I came to be your f.ucking chauffeur, no matter how risky it was because I wanted to protect you from drivers like my dad. Because I didn't want anything to happen to you but you-you, you just keep doing things to yourself!" he yelled and I faced him in anger.

"Doing what to myself?! Cutting? Please, I was doing fine until you came along and started caring-"

"Fine?!" he scoffed. "You were starving yourself, barely sleeping! Your verbally abusive gran got a piece of her own medicine too when I couldn't reach your mobile! You call that fine, Katy?" he asked and I bit my lip, looking down at my boots.

"That is my definition of fine. You can't save everyone, Thomas. You can't keep trying to save me" I gritted with venom in my voice.

"Yeah? Well I could bloody try. You're the only one I'm willing to keep on trying to save- even from yourself" he countered.

"Great, I'm more than just a charity case. I'm a damsel too" I said sarcastically and he groaned in frustration. "Stop pretending to give a shi.t about me, Sangster. I've got enough in the pity party" I flipped him off as we came to a stop.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now