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Author's Note: Guys! I have my laptop holy mother- hahahaha I'm so happy yasss let's do this!!


"Alright so far, the obvious rules are: 1) No kissing each other. 2) No provoking of the opposite team, which means no more 'No Reaction' game for either of us. 3) Maintain a friendly relationship and not make things awkward. 4) If anybody asks, the normal 'Chauffeur' is brought up. Anything I missed?" I enumerated as I played with the food on my plate. Who could say No to pizza? Me. I could, but not aloud.

We were seated on the breakfast counter, facing each other. A pad and pen rested beside my other hand who waited for any other rules to write down, because knowing us, we'd forget about them immediately.

"Oh- no walking around with any missing piece of clothing" he pointed at me and I chuckled before I nodded and jotted it down. I wasn't really sure if we were taking this as serious as we thought we were but I really doubted we were. But hey, putting up house rules was a start. I stared at my half eaten pizza as I thought of the triple date this Wednesday. I imagined Thomas and Mandy together then Jordan and I , I suddenly felt sick to the stomach, it just felt wrong. Or maybe I just wasn't used to it. Was I jealous? I couldn't- shouldn't be jealous.

"I have one- No getting jealous or over protective over the opposite party" I said before I decided to take another bite from my pizza slice. Thomas has eaten probably 2 already and was on his third slice. He bit his lip as if he thought over that rule before he nodded. I jotted my rule down and picked up the pad. Those were a lot of rules to follow, but I think Thomas and I could handle it. Although I would miss our No Reaction game. It was daring and torture and fun at the same time.

"No one gets jealous" Thomas repeated under his breathe and I nodded. I might struggle slightly with that one, we aren't very good emotional caretakers; I was almost always emotionally unstable and not feeling jealous or at least not acting on it would be a challenge.

I stepped out of the shower with a sigh and immediately wrapped my body with a towel. Thomas picked me up from class so I had time to prepare for the triple date. I wonder where we were going to go though. We had half of the day for ourselves, actually one and half if Lily and Mandy decided to extend it till Thursday, seeing as we never had classes the day after a staff meeting.

After I dried my hair and the rest of my body, I swung the door open and saw Mallow sat there, seemingly waiting for me. I narrowed my eyes confused before I clicked the light off and started walking down the hall to my room when I felt a tug on my towel. I gasped when I felt my towel almost slip off of me. I turned around and gripped on my towel, I saw Mallow biting and pulling on the hems of my towel which made me grip on my towel tighter. It would've been fine if I were alone in the house but Thomas is just inside his room and if this towel leaves my body... I actually didn't want to imagine what could happened. Plus, it would be breaking one of the rules.

"No, Mallow! Let go girl" I cooed whilst I tugged my towel back. She growled and tugged harder at the same time the door bell dinged. I need to get my towel back or just sprint for my room. God, I hope Mallow would just let go. The doorbell dinged again and I panicked even more, I needed to get my towel back before Thomas got out of his room to answer the door. "C'mon Mallow. Be a good girl and give let the towel back" I pleaded hurriedly. I patted my lap but froze when I heard a door click open. As if Mallow knew I was stunned, she bit and tugged harder and I suddenly felt the cool breeze of the house. I shrieked and covered what was needed to be covered whilst I tried to make a grab for my towel.

Why does Mallow hate me?

It was freezing cold but it didn't fend off the heat that was making its way up my ears and cheeks as Mallow ran towards Thomas who looked at Mallow confused. I took the time to look around and entered the bathroom with my head peeked out to cover myself up. Of course Thomas had seen me naked but I still felt conscious and he wasn't supposed to see me naked anyways. I watched Thomas as he bent down and got the towel from Mallow's mouth, if I knew how easy it was... Why couldn't she just leave me and my towel alone to start with?

"Er- that's mine" I announced awkwardly with a small wave which made Thomas shift his attention to me. It clicked in his head and he bursted out laughing. Oh- Thanks for helping then. Not like I need that towel or anything, nope. I waited a few moments for him to calm down before I motioned to my towel. He snickered and walked towards me with the towel outstretched, I tried to make a grab for it but he pulled it away just as I tried.

"Sangster, I swear to God-"

"Oh but you broke a rule, my dearest Thompson" he smirked and I frowned. I noticed he wore a white button up shirt that seemed nearly transparent as I could see the outlines of his muscles under his shirt, I struggled to avert my eyes to his and glared at him.

"I did not break any rule, Sangster" I dead panned before I tried to grab my towel again but he moved it farther from me. He snickered at me and I hugged exasperatedly.

"You broke two; You have no clothing at all and you're provoking me" he explained, his voice getting deeper and more serious with each word. The amusement replaced with mischief and if I wanted to flatter myself- I'd think I saw lust in his eyes. Thankfully, I didn't want to flatter myself. At the word 'provoking' my eyes travelled below and I saw the familiar budge in his pants. I immediately looked away, remembering that I wasn't supposed to look at that part of him.

"Now you're provoking me" I blurted out, my eyes widened and he chuckled, throwing his head back. I deserve to be nominated for the Nobel Prize for being such a genius, seriously- what the hell? We heard footsteps and both of our eyes widened, we totally forgot about the doorbell dinging. I blamed him.

He threw the towel at me and I luckily caught it just in time to slam the door shut as I caught a glimpse of Jordan's signature hairdo. I leaned against the door and exhaled, I mentally hit Thomas on the arm for risking that. I heard voices on the other side and debated whether or not I should get to my room whilst they were there or just wait until they were done talking. I wrapped the towel around my body tightly and decided to wait, how awkward would it get with me walking around with just a towel to shield my body.

Why was Jordan here already anyways? The plan was for Thomas and I pick them up, or is he really trying to annoy me?

Woah- I am so irritated all of the sudden. I pushed my grumpiness away and pressed my ear to the door to see if they were done talking.

"Oh by the way, you left this at the classroom after you guys... Er- f•cked" Jordan said and my eyes widened. Great, that's just bloody great then.

"You're not going to tell anyone are you?" I heard Thomas asked and I pressed my ear harder to the door to hear Jordan's answer louder and clearer.

"I won't as long as Katy's my girlfriend. And I mean it, she's my real girlfriend. You can't touch her and if you will, I'll tell everyone" Jordan threatened. My heart dropped and the fear tasted bitter at the back of my throat- or maybe it was the bike of wanting to puke from the underlying reason of Jordan helping. I was stunned and with the silence I heard from the other side, I assumed Thomas was too.

"You're not going to tell her anything, Thomas whatever-your-last-name-is" he continued and I gulped, remembering how much I trusted Jordan and thought of him as a close friend. This was the person he was when I wasn't looking. This is the Jordan that everyone else said was an assh•le but I've never witnessed.

"I won't. She'll just find out on her own that you're a fake prick" Thomas snapped and I felt a small tug at the corner of my lips.

"Oh no" Jordan chuckled mockingly, "She's not going to find out. If she finds out about this, I'll ruin you. I'm going to make sure your life is a living hell. Keep that in mind" Jordan seethed. I gaped, was this still the Jordan that I trusted the whole time? The Jordan I know is sweet and caring and- not like this. Threatening, arrogant, violent, blackmailing and- just down right evil. 

I heard a snort before footsteps descending down the stairs but when I waited longer, I didn't hear the door downstairs open which meant he was staying. I creaked the door open as quietly as I could with a stunned, pissed expression as I continued to comprehend the exchange. My eyes met Thomas and we shared a look, I have a slight nod to tell him quietly I had heard everything.

Without another word, I walked to my room and closed the door behind me; Thomas' stare burning at my skin as I replayed their words. Everyone has masks but not all of them hide something tragic but a monster. A sadistic, blackmailing monster.

Didn't think there would be a day that I'd call someone that and genuinely believe it.

The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now