XLIX. Penultimate Chapter

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Author's Note: Hey guys! This is technically the last chapter but not really(?) Did a double update because I'm a nice person like that >:) ahahaha I'm not sure if I should upload the final chapter to The Chauffeur tonight... There's not much in that chapter tbh, it just leads to the sequel so...


I sobbed in my hand as I stepped out of the elevator with Jordan behind me. I didn't know what he was doing here with me and why he was following me but I was blinded with pain so I didn't care. My mind cruelly replayed the scene in my mind and I bit my lip hard, trying not to cry.

"Katy! We saw what happened! Oh my god, are you okay?" Mandy engulfed me in a hug and I collapsed in her arms.

"Aye, what are you doing here?" I heard Liam's familiar voice behind Mandy as he stepped in between Jordan and I. I embraced Mandy tightly and sobbed harder, of course he chose her. She's prettier and thinner. I thought back to when I'd be trying to call Thomas and he'd tell me he was busy, he could've been fucking her already. How long? Was he planning on telling me? No. Of course not.

"I come as a friend, Liam" I heard Jordan say behind me. I pulled away from Mandy and she looked at me worriedly. She brought out her phone and scrolled through it before showing me the screen. There was a picture of me from a while ago, putting on my shades to cover my bloodshot eyes and several others with Thomas beside my car.

'Kathelyn Thompson and Thomas Sangster breaking up?! Will the Sangster-Thompson partnership continue?' -was the headline and I gulped.

It was too fast, how could they have published an article this fast? The media was getting unbelievable. I took her phone in my hands, the conversation of Liam and Jordan fading from behind me as I read into the article.

'Kathelyn Thompson of Diamond Banks was seen running out of the Sangster Corporation building crying with the one and only Thomas Brodie-Sangster chasing after her. There had been many speculations but several employees claimed to have seen Kathelyn screaming at Thomas about him cheating! Another intern claimed to have been dragged into the drama but luckily, Kathelyn was kind enough to defend her even whilst arguing with Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

As founders of the largest partnership in Europe, will they let their personal issues come between them in the business world or will the partnership dissolve? Who was Thomas Brodie-Sangster cheating with? '

I couldn't believe that they had gotten everything right. But on the accuracy, I needed to take the fall since I had been the one screaming at Thomas in front of hundreds of other employees. How smart of me.

"Is it true then?" Mandy asked with a mortified expression and I nodded, another sob escaping my lips.

"Shit" she frowned and I managed to let out a chuckle even as tears fell down my face. I dug inside my pockets for the keys and unlocked our flat- Thomas' flat. "He's such a wanker" she continued and I nodded in agreement.

"I need your help to get all my things, I'm staying with my gran for the mean time" I told her and she nodded immediately.


I felt my phone buzz again for the hundredth time today but I ignored it as I handed Liam the last of my things from Thomas' apartment. I sighed, my chest feeling like 50 pounds on my body and not to mention, my cheeks were sticky from tears. I turned to Mallow who laid on the sofa, she was too old to have kids. Even when Thomas and I- Ew; when I brought her to the vet, they said Mallow couldn't have any puppies.

I crouched and let my hand pet her soft golden fur. I pouted as I tried not to cry. "I'm going to miss you girl" I told her and she wagged her tail unaware of the exchange. I smiled at her but immediately jumped when I heard the door slam open.

Thomas stood there looking confused and frazzled with his hair sticking in every direction and sweat rolling down the sides of his face. His tie was screwed to the side but his eyes were on me as he approached me. I backed away immediately but luckily, Jordan stepped in between us. Thomas' eyes moved to Jordan and the hurt was replaced with anger almost immediately.

"What the hell are you doing in our apartment?" he snapped.

"Your apartment, Thomas" I couldn't help but correct bitterly. His eyes shifted to me and he frowned with pain flashing on his features. It stabbed me to see him in pain but it hurt more as my mind replayed the scene in the office. I tasted the bitter anger at the back of my throat just by looking at him.

"Katy, would you please let me explain?!" he exclaimed exasperatedly and I scoffed.

"I already did, I even let you show me proof- proof that you were really cheating on me!" I answered with venom. He ran a hand through his hair and he tried to approach me just as Liam and Mandy entered the room.

"I'm not! She had a kni-" Thomas was cut off when Jordan threw a punch and I yelped. I instinctively ran to Thomas who fell from the impact.

"What the actual f*ck, man?!" Liam screamed as he lunged at Jordan. Everything was a mess as Mandy tried to pull Liam away from Jordan as he threw punch by punch. Thomas broke his lip with blood coming out.

"Thomas, please" I begged with tears in my eyes, ready to fall. "If you really care about me, you'd leave me alone. You've hurt me enough, for your sake and mine" I pleaded and his eyes jaded. He looked up at me as he sat up and bit his lip, looking down.

Mandy managed to pull Liam off of Jordan with the help of Nathan and Lil who I didn't even notice arrive. Jordan was knocked out on the floor with bruises on his face. Thomas looked up to me with tears strolling down his face as he bit his lip harder and nodded.

"For you, Katy" we stood up and I held out a hand for him to shake. But instead of taking my hand, he engulfed me in a hug but I didn't embrace him back. No matter how much I wanted to, I didn't. "I love you" he whispered in my hair before pulling away abruptly. I saw in his eyes that he was restraining himself and I was thankful, even more as Lil and Mandy grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the flat.

I felt my heart break even more so when I heard his words as we stepped out of the flat and I bit back a sob.

"Goodbye, Miss Thompson"

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