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Author's note: I published this because I'm an impatient person XD I'm not sorry. This chapter is kind of slow but cute too :) for me, I hate how slow I'm going gahd


"You won't get me to eat, Thomas so let's just go" I motioned to the door whilst I watched him go through the cabinets.

"We have 30 minutes to prepare, unless you want to arrive at a reasonable time instead of arriving incredibly early for school" he said, bringing out 2 eggs from the fridge and a pan. I loved arriving to school early since there wasn't much people around and I could go to the rooftop since I was always so early that even the janitor isn't even there yet to check on the roof. When I'm at a deserted school, I'm with no one and that's the best feeling for an introvert like me. I like my alone time, most of the times.

I bit my lip, I valued my alone time. Nobody really knew about my alone time but I guess one day will be fine. "What are you cooking anyways? It's not like you'll get me to eat it either way" I said but I ended up going beside him on the counter anyways. He hushed me, pausing in front of me before giving me a quick wink and whisking the bowl. I smile tugged itself on my lips but I fought it and extended my hands as a sign for me to take over the eggs.

"That's the spirit" he cheered like a child causing me to shush him and chuckle. He made a face at me, both of us laughing before getting back to work.


"Alright, Miss Thompson. After you" Thomas motioned with his arms holding unto packed breakfast. I insisted on not having that much food for less than an hour breakfast and having to at least let me help him carry the boxes but he was a stubborn child. I snort at how cute he looked before jogging to the car. I held the door open for him and he let the boxes fall on the backseat. Guess I'm sitting in the passenger's seat then.

"That was... impressively quick" I realized when I looked down on my watch. We cooked a set of pancakes, prepared a bacon-cheese-egg sandwich, we even packed cereal for God's sake. Considering we were only two people, we only took 25 minutes. That was inhumane.

He grinned at me and opened the passenger's door for me. I hopped in the car and so does Thomas, I don't even know where we were going to eat.

"Wait- where are we going?" I ask, watching Thomas motion to the seat belt. Pfft- who uses seat belts anymore? I'm fine with dying in a car crash, pretty chill with that. Thomas leans over and grabs the seat belt, his face so close to mine. He clicks the belt on and smirks at me.

"You'll see, Miss Thom-"

"Please call me Katy" I interrupted as soft as I can so I don't offend him. His eyebrow raised before he chuckled and nodded. He started the car and started pulling out the driveway. "Hold on- why do I need to put on a seat belt and you don't?" I preached equality.

Thomas glanced at me then back at the road, "Because it's in the law for you to wear a seat belt"

"What? The law stated that Kathelyn Thompson must wear her seat belt whenever she sits on the passenger's seat?" I sassed, genuine sass too. Thomas burst out laughing causing me to laugh along with him. How could I not? I could barely hide a smile from him.

"Feisty, I love it" he bit his lip and I bit my own before looking away. What the hell was that for? I distracted myself by looking where he was driving to; which I honestly didn't know myself. The road was unfamiliar to me. He drove into a trail into a gathering of trees where more trees came into view until he pulled over. I hopped off the car, not bothering to wait for Thomas whilst I look around at the beautiful view. Or maybe I just wasn't used to trees in general since I stay in my room 99.998% of the time.

"How did you find this place?" I breathed out before snapping out of my tree trance and taking the initiative of helping Thomas with the boxes of food.

"This is actually my first time here, I didn't know where I was going" he chuckled, looking just as dazed as I was. My eyebrows shot up before I start laughing. He's so unpredictable. I don't know what to expect from him, and that's the most exciting part about him, what's amazing is that he could be sweet and polite at the same time. It amazed me how someone can do that.

"So you just randomly pulled over into a trail into the forest?" I said, unconvinced with my back towards him as I looked around.

"I pulled over because I wanted to kiss you" I heard him mutter under his breath and my eyes widened, my heart fluttered but I pretended not to hear to play safe. I could've heard it wrong. He could've said... Err- I pulled over because I wrapped up poo?

I'm retarded.

"Sorry?" I turned around, pretending I didn't hear what he said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I said, you're welcome for introducing you to our sanctuary" he made a face causing me to laugh. I hope the flush in my cheeks aren't obvious to him as we start walking to God knows where. His words echo in my head and I'm distracted by the mere thought of it.

I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to kiss you.

Imagining his lips on mine made me feel rebellious, now I wasn't some Virgin Mary who has never kissed someone but it was different for Thomas I guess. I bit my lip at the mere thought of his lips, I wonder how they taste like. How they feel against mine.

"I see a clearing over there" Thomas snapped me out of my forbidden daze. Forbidden, remembering he's my chauffeur. I remembered my gran disgracing her cousin for dating one of his employees, his secretary. To her, it's not normal to have a relationship outside the business suit. Hypocrite, she is. Thomas grabs my hand and led me to the clearing and I let him. Maybe this could just be between us, whatever we are or whatever is between us.

As if we have something between us to start with, but if there was...

"This boulder is humongous" I gaped at the large boulder that almost came up to my shoulder. Thomas got my boxes and put them all on top of the boulder before he knelt and made a makeshift foot holder with his hands. I blinked a few times, still thinking over what was happening. "No way. It's too high, I'm going to fall" I shook my head. I had no problem with dying but I did have a problem with surviving with a lot of unwanted pain. I won't die but I'll break a bone and that'll be more than just a pain in the arse.

"You won't. I promise, I'll catch you. I'll always catch you, now c'mon" he said reassuringly. It amazed me too how he could easily say things like that and expect me to feel totally normal about it. I bit my lip hesitating but giving in before I approached him and rested my hand on his shoulder for support. I struggled with my upper body strength but with every strength I could possibly muster, I was able to pull myself up. I adjusted myself on the boulder before extending my arm to Thomas who climbed up the boulder with ease. Pfft- Athletic people.

"So about our talk?"


The Chauffeur || Thomas Sangster AU COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now