Interview with knightsrachel

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This next interview is with Knightsrachel. Her story Living with The Walked Boys, which has over 40 million reads as of this interview, is literally one of the first books I had ever totally finished on wattpad. She's an incredible writer and I advise you to check out her work!


Who is your favorite author (It can be on Wattpad or in general)?

Lurlene McDaniel

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?

I watched a movie (Firehouse Dog) and didn't like the ending, so I sat down and rewrote it for myself. And then I realized that I actually liked writing, so I kept it up.

And yes, it's a very big part of my life. It's a majority of my life actually.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?

Keep your head up. Reads come with time. It took me three books before anybody noticed what I was writing.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?

I can connect to many of my characters through many of their different traits. But the one I probably connect with the most would be Samantha Evans or Emily Winston.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

Society. People out in the world, trying to imagine their life stories or imagining a situation as I watch it unfold before me. Just society itself.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?

My best friend Amanda (oreo2395). She was at my house, ignoring me as she read on her phone. And then I downloaded the app and stole her library, and my life unfolded from there.

What has influenced your current style of writing?

Just where I am in my life. I write Teen Fiction because I am a teen, and I write about people's personal experiences and struggles because I know that people go through it each and every day and I feel like it's something that needs to be addressed.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?

Keep your head up. Write for you, not for the reads. Not for the fans. Not for anything but yourself. And don't cave to the peer pressure, because it's so easy to do. Write YOUR story, how you want it to be.


A huge thank you to Rachel for doing this interview! Read some of her stuff, it's amazing!

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