Interview with Whitesidesxlife

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This interview is with Whitesidesxlife, who I only recently found out about. Nevertheless, she's very talented, so I really recommend checking her out. There are many stories to coose from on her profile, so, without further ado, let's begin with the interview.


Who's your favorite author (It can be on either wattpad or in general)?
My favorite author on wattpad would have to be AllTimeNutella, and my favorite author in general is definitely john green

What inspired you to start writing?
When I was in six grade I started writing a fanfiction about one direction and I was writing it in this composition notebook and the boy he had a crush on at the time took the notebook and he read it and he told me you're actually really good and I decided that I wanted to keep writing lol

What was your reaction when you first hit over 5k reads?
How did you feel?When I hit over 5K reads for the first time I was shocked because I wasn't really a big deal on wattpad I had like 50 followers

Do you think writing could become a major career for you in the future?
I actually don't think writing could be a major career for me because there's just so many other things that I'd like to do but I definitely consider it.

Is there a writer on Wattpad, or an author in general, who influenced your style of writing?
I don't think there's any writers in general or on the Wattpad that influence my style of writing I definitely read a lot before I started so some writers gave me ideas that I can't really name

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?
I'd say that I can relate to all of my characters because when I'm writing I definitely try to take a tiny piece of myself into it to make it more realistic and just more relatable for me so I can have more ideas

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
I was vacation and I was reading a story on wattpad and I really wanted to post one as well so I sat on the floor in a hotel bathroom and wrote vampire princess to be lol

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming wattpad writers?
My advice for upcoming writers is to just keep writing no matter what even if you feel like knowing to reading your stories I just wanted to keep writing keep trying and start to do it for yourself because it makes you happy and honestly just keep writing what you love to write about


Make sure you follow Whitesidesxlife and read her awesome stories :)

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