Interview with yourstrulytrina

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I then interviewed Trina, who's user name is yourstrulytrina. She wrote the stories Resetting Our Love, Hollywood's Princess, and Falling For The Opposite. All three stories are widely popular, and very well written. As of this interview, Falling For The Opposite has over 8 million reads. I have [almost] finished all three of her stories, and I couldn't wait to ask her some questions. So, here they are:


Who is your favorite author?
Wattpad base, Fallzswimmer because well, her works are awesome. Outside of wattpad, Jay Asher mostly because the plots of his books are extremely interesting.

What inspired you to write on Wattpad?
I’ve been writing stories for a fair amount of time and of course, wattpad suddenly became all popular. I thought to myself to just try out the website, it may be fun and it turned out, I’m addicted to this place. The amount of aspiring writers here is amazing and it proves that not every great authors needs to be published in order to be recognized.

What was your reaction when you first got over one million views?
When I was near the number, I was screaming, I was basically taking my phone everywhere. I actually hit it while I was in school, which had no WiFi, but when I came home, I saw it. Let’s just say that I looked like a madwoman, smiling like a Cheshire cat. I started screaming, taking five screen shots of the same thing and I was a kid in a toy store once again.

Is there anything specific you did to have your story become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?
If there’s possibly an answer to that, please let me know. I, myself, have no idea on how I ended up with the numbers. One moment I was scraping for reads then the next, I was shooting up. It didn’t come overnight, I was already near the end when I got the million, but I guess the only thing I do was persevered. I didn’t give up on advertising my stories and I updated it constantly, every week, just to keep my readers interested.

Is there a writer who influenced your style of writing?
If you observed my writing style, it’s a mixture of different authors. You can no longer pinpoint on where I got this or from whom did I get that.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?
All of my main characters are based on me. What I’ve noticed from the comments my readers have about my leading ladies is that they tend to become a brat. The thing is, the person whom I got their personality from, is the one who is writing them. Those sarcastic remarks, quirky personalities, cluelessness about the world, and the overall attitude problem is from me.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?
Did anybody ever thought about that? Honestly, no. I would have been contented with a few hundred but wow, I certainly didn’t expect this. I was already so happy when two people commented on my story when I first started and now, I’m like this.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
It’s popular and you wouldn’t be able to walk two steps in my school without hearing the word ‘wattpad’.

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?
Don’t give up, that’s something I can tell you. As much as everything doesn’t start out right, just keep thinking to yourself, this can get better. Just keep on writing, don’t stress yourself about everything too much, it causes wrinkles. Your readers are important, but remember that you’re the writer, it’s your story – you may interpret that phrase in any way that you want.


I would just like to thank Trina for agreeing to my interview. I enjoyed asking her these questions, and you should definitely go check her out.

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