Interview with pun-kish

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I interviewed Natalya, better known as pun-kish, who's the author of Stuck in an Elevator. That story has over 750k reads. I've read a couple pages, and I thought it was pretty interesting, with a great concept. Go ahead and check her out for being such an amazing author/person ;).


Who's your favorite author?

On Wattpad, it would have to be makeandoffer. She’s so damn chill, and her writing is amazing. And in general, it would have be James Patterson. I love that guy!

What inspired you to write Stuck in an Elevator?

Hm, probably my fear of elevators, and my dad who always pesters me about my fear. I thought hm, why not write a book about my fear? But then it turned into something bigger and better!

What was your reaction when you first hit over 500k reads?

Oh man, I woke up that day and I checked my comments, reads, etc. And I actually screamed! I never thought that my book would become that popular! :D

Did you do anything specific to have your story become so popular?

Well it started off slow. I didn’t get many reads, but I was okay with that. I posted my book on the threads in The Clubs and whatnot, but it didn’t really help that much. I just think that people liked having something ‘different’ to read, and not cliche.

Have any authors inspired your style of writing?

Not really, James Patterson inspired me a lot because he writes about everything! I aspire to be like him one day. But other than him, I write in my own personal style. :p

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories?

Probably Skylar, because of how outgoing and carefree she is. And how she likes to get revenge. But Tyler and I share a lot of characteristics too. I love putting little pieces of myself in all my characters to help them develop.

Did you ever expect you'd get where you are now?

No way! I never wanted to even post my stories and ideas because I didn’t want mean feedback. And when my stories started becoming popular, I was in such disbelief! But it felt amazing. :)

How did you find out about wattpad?

I used to have a Quizilla, and a lot of the writers on there started coming on here, so one day I was like, let me check it out, and now here I am. :)

Do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad authors?

My advice is to never be afraid of posting your stories and books, don’t be scared for the feedback and don’t only think about the amount of reads. Share your story because you’re proud of it. :p


Thank you to pun-kish for answering these questions! Her answers were great, don't ya think? Follow her if you haven't already!

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