Interview with Owlet5

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This interview is with Owlet5. She has a book of poems called Conflicted Colors, which has 100k + reads. Her poems are really cool, so I'd advise checking out her work! Here's the interview.


What inspired you to write Tainted?

I was at a dark place at the time and the only way I could think of to cope with my feelings was to throw them all in a story, which resulted in the creation of Tainted.

A/N - Tainted was taken down but the author is in the process of rewriting it.

What inspired you to write stories on Wattpad in general?

Seeing such absolutely wonderful and talented writers here on wattpad made me want to desperately break out of my shell and try to make others enjoy my work just like the writers here did for me. It was quite scary at first since I knew I wasn't the best around, but you only grow from going through such things.

Is there anything specific you did to have your story become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?

Nope, not really. The only reason why it became popular faster than usual was because I still had my other story up, Good Girl Gone Bad, which was the very popular one, and I just guess people decided to check out Tainted when I still had the old story up.

Is there a writer on Wattpad who influenced your style of writing?

Not really, I mean there are plenty of writers on here who've made me want to better my writing because it honestly isn't all that, but I've never tried to copy someone's writing style. You should always write the way you want to write, not how others write. Develop your own style, that's the best way to go

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?

I can relate to all of my characters! Anne is the closest I can relate to though, and it's because her emotions are the ones I took from myself and threw in the story. Anne is sort of based off of myself I guess, but only like emotion/personality wise.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?

Let's just say that if you told me when I first joined wattpad that I'd be where I am today, I'd laugh at you and call you crazy.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?

A classmate of mine was reading a story on here and recommended it to her friends, which were my friends too at the time so they told me about it and that's when I found out about wattpad.

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming wattpad writers?

I often find it hard to give advice for writers, mainly because I myself never really received much advice while writing. I used to figure things out on my own - I still do - and I feel as if that's the only way for me to truly grow and learn. Honestly, just go for it! Go ahead and write, who cares if you're not the best, no one is going to be amazing at first, everyone starts off a little unsure and inexperienced. Let your work be a guide for you - learn from it and try to improve it each time. Everyone learns things differently, so try to find a way that's best suitable for you.

I'm sorry, my advice sucks... haha. Usually when I get questions about how to improve writing I just give people my tumblr since I made a tag on there just for writing tips. I use it myself since I'm still learning of course, it's if anyone's interested in checking it out. There's a lot of useful things in there and it's much more of a help than I could ever be.


I would just like to thank owlet5 for agreeing to answer some questions. It was fun putting everything together and reading her answers. Go check out some of her work. You definitely won't regret it.

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