Interview with Laughterandjynx

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I interviewed laughterandjynx next, who's story The Last Virgin Standing has over 16 millions reads. I've read it over and over again at least a million times, and It's no surprise how big of a hit it's become. So, without further ado, here's the interview:


Who's your favorite author?
Margaret Peterson Haddix or ACRL37.

What inspired you to write The Last Virgin Standing?
I've never written a story with more than two love interests.

What was your reaction when you first hit over a million reads?
I fangirled a lot. It was just so unbelievable and mind blowing. I was super grateful and ecstatic.

Is there anything specific you did to have your story become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?
I can honestly say that I've only done one comment exchange, and it didn't even work well because she didn't read my story. People on Wattpad lap up anything with sex and love. Oh, and luck.

Is there a writer on Wattpad, or an author in general, who influenced your style of writing?
I would say leigh_ on Wattpad. It's a super-clean writing style that is easy to read.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?
I can relate to almost every character in all of my stories in some way. Some more than others because of life experiences and stuff. I really love gossip like Emma from TLVS (hehe). I was super innocent like Taylor from Jangles, but now I'm sort of dirty minded like Ian from TLVS. I'm also somewhat delusional like Coralie and occasionally pessimistic like Donovan, both from The Walt Way.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?
I could imagine, but I never thought it would be like this. I also imagine myself on The Ellen Show, sooo...

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
I was looking to find The Amanda Project online. I read it in a library when I was on vacation, but it wasn't in my local library.

Do you have any advice for upcoming Wattpad writers?
Be patient, don't get frustrated, and keep writing. Spamming people's stories is NOT okay and you shouldn't do it. Appreciate your first readers because I was happier when I reached 100 fans than I reached 8000.


Thank you to Laughterandjynx for letting me interview her! I had a lot of fun reading her answers and putting everything together. Go check her out and read her [brilliant] works.

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