Interview with dreamy-harold

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This interview is with dreamy-harold, whose story Infinite // h.s has over 40k reads. Here it is:


Who is your favorite author?
My favourite author is on Wattpad and John Green outside of it.

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?
I think a big part of it was just watching the One Direction videos and just thinking how cool it was to write a book about them. I searched around on my phone for apps, and found Wattpad, which led me to first reading the After series. Writing is such a big part of my life, and I do it everyday, from scribbling on little notes at school to thinking of stuff in my mind. When it was the summer of 2015, last year, I was in Florida and brought all these notebooks with me, which were loaded of my favourite quotes. I used those quotes to write a story, and here I am now, haha

What was your reaction when you first hit over 30k reads?
Oh my God, I cried. I literally was in tears when I saw it, and was so thankful to all of the readers. It had met so much and I remember thinking, "Oh God, is this even real?" And it turns out, it was, haha. I guess I didn't really react about the reads, but most of all how many people liked it. It was such an overwhelming feeling. 

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?
It's hard, honestly. I know how it feels. I advertised around, and then asked myself if people did the same to me, would I honestly read their book? Sometimes I do, yes, if if interests me, but keep trying. Sometimes reads don't count, it's just how your express yourself through your words. Somebody is out there, always listening and reading your words though, and that is extremely special besides the reads. Just never give up, keep writing.  

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
Yes, I can. In the stories I write, sometimes the situations are based on personal experiences that have happened to me, or stories I have heard about people. Maybe a little more drama added, but I do relate to the characters in my stories. I think I relate to Anne in my book, Infinite, the most because she tries to be closed off and holds everything inside her, a lot of feelings inside her. I have noticed that a lot in my life, and try to let things out, but sometimes I need to keep those things to myself.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
Oh gosh, so many inspirations. Firstly, The Fault in Our Stars really did inspire me. From all my stories I have wrote, tragic books inspire me because right after I'm in a puddle of tears from watching a sad movie, I'm writing on my laptop about how I feel, haha. So, definitely tragic movies, that's the only thing I can think of that I mainly do. 

How did you find about this website?
I was searching on free book apps and looked through them all. When I saw the details on this site, I downloaded the app and looked into it. I immediately loved it. 

What has influenced your current style of writing? 
After reading tons of amazing books on Wattpad, my writing style has changed so much because of that. Such as the writing off of Philophobia, from one of my favourite author's, or Forbidden. Not school or my English classes for some reason, but just reading other writer's books. It's really great actually, with them helping and all, as well as editing and co-writing. 

Are there any other writers on Wattpad that you'd like to recommend for your readers?
Here are some really good ones and I absolutely love their writing: holyfrickharry kayryy bourbonstyles HarryGotStylesxXx adorestylesx glassteeth harrysheroine

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
Hmm, this is an interesting question. As you start to write, either write on paper or use the app Google Docs. That really helps me store out my ideas in folders and whatnot. I used to write on paper and organize my notebooks, and that really helps me out alot. I still do it, honestly, alot when I'm traveling. And as you're reading other author's work, look at their style and whatnot. Their punctuation, verbs, grammar, everything, and that will help you get better. When you're writing and don't want to repeat the same verb in dialogue, go to Google and search synonyms for that word. I do that all the time because my vocabulary has a limit and is not widely expanded. As well as that, be descroptiove in your writing. Remember that readers need a visual on a character. And just write your little heart out, express your feelings when your emotional. Writing is such a good way to let everything out, and you can talk and discuss with writers too. It's great to co-writer with other writer's because you learn so much, and it has helped me gain friends as well as learning new things. Just never give up on writing, just be you in it, not somebody else. Make that characters relate to you, or create this whole new character and plan everything out. Be organized in your writing, and good luck. I wish you the best, truly. (:


Thank you to dreamy-harold for being a part of this!

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