Interview with adorestylesx

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This interview is with adorestylesx, whose story My Angel has over 26k reads as of this interview:


Who is your favorite author?
Oh my goodness, where do I begin? It's hard for me to name just one author but if it has to be on Wattpad then unholylukeLouisAsh and bang_the_drums have to take that honorable place. If we're talking about in the real world, then Lauren Kate and James Dashner. I'm in love with both of the authors because honestly I felt like I could connect to the characters within the books.

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?
Well, every since I fell in love with my first book series when I was still in middle school, it really hit me because I felt like this is what I want to do when I get older. Now that I hit 21 years old, I want to share my work with the world because I want to make people smile and change people's point of view on reading books. I would say that reading other people's books inspired me to pick up a piece of paper and start my own story.
Yes, I would say writing is a big part of my life for many reasons. I do have a lot of medical issues that I won't get into right now. If I could say thank you to the authors that inspired me to write I would do it in a heartbeat.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 30k reads?
Well, I didn't really hit 30k on one of my books. I did hit it on my One Direction Zodiac book that doesn't really count in some ways. When I hit 26k on my first book 'My Angel' I couldn't be happier because I felt like my readers appreciated my work, even though it wasn't my best.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?
I would say not to give up and keep writing. Honestly, it took me quite awhile to achieve the reads I have now. I know you may think that people don't appreciate your writing but you may have some silent readers that do appreciate it. 

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
Of course, I connected with the character in my book 'My Angel.' Savannah Walker had a mental illness that I am suffering with in real life. Most of my readers knew that I suffer from a high-functioning form of Autism called Asperger Syndrome. I tried to make Savannah relatable in the book that could possibly let readers know what I've been through.
Another character that I felt attached to was Scarlet Summers in my book 'Code Red.' I put the character in different situations that she had to use her heart and mind to figure out who to trust and what decisions she had to make to save her friends from being pulled into the darkness that is surrounding her. 

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
This answer will kind of reflect what I said in the previous question. I got the inspiration for the book 'My Angel' from my life but I twisted some things around to fit the plot of the book and the point that I wanted to get across. I often thought about what if people are going through the same thing as I am and what if my writing can influence people to not worry about what people may think of you.
Now, I got the inspiration for my book 'Code Red' from different songs that I listened to. Like I stated in the previous question, I wanted to write something that would impact my readers. I mean, we all have our demons and even though there will be darkness surrounding us at that specific time that doesn't mean it will be there forever. The message of that book that I wanted to get across was that even though we have our ups and downs in life please don't give up hope and keep on fighting for what you think is right. The last message of the book was that not every love story has a happy ending.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
This is actually a funny story, I found this website on Twitter because I was looking through hashtags and my newsfeed and I saw people tweeting links to their stories and I thought I need something to keep me productive and ten months later I'm still on here.

What has influenced your current style of writing?
Honestly, that can be answered in many different ways, but I would say that other authors have influenced me to find that perfect style and now I have. I'm very happy on how my books are turning out so far and I couldn't be more thankful.

Are there any writers on wattpad that you'd like to suggest to the readers?
I have a couple but most people don't like these types of books but I will suggest them anyway. I would say CrackCobainUnholyLukeLouisAshbang_the_drumsdreamy-haroldharrysheroine, harry_is_addictive and ForeverDreamland

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
I have some advice for people trying to find a general idea for an upcoming book that they want to write. I would say to listen to a song that would fit the mood of the basic plotline. When I was writing one of my chapters for 'Code Red' I would listened to the song 'If I Could Fly' by One Direction and I found that it fit the mood of that specific chapter due to it being sad and that's what I was aiming for that specific part of the book.   


Huge thanks to for doing the interview! Definitely check out some of her stuff!!

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