Interview with sparkflarefire

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This interview is with sparkflarefire, who's story No Fury has almost 900k reads as of this interview! 


Who is your favorite author (It can be on Wattpad or in general)?
Right now my favorite author is CS Pacat. It changes every now and then but I am obsessed with the Captive Prince trilogy.

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?
I've always written but when my first kiddo was tiny, and I wasn't sleeping well, I started writing Twilight fanfic. This was back in 2009 ha!

What was your reaction when you first hit over _______ reads?
I didn't actually know this until I saw this question (I don't check my stats often oops) so . . . YAY!!!

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?
The goal is to write the best story you can. Read, keep writing, make friends on here so you get more feedback because really, the reads aren't so useful if they're just a status thing - they're useful if you're getting helpful insight from people reading your story. Be helpful to other writers and they'll return the favor.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
Hmm. Not really? Or maybe all of them? At the beginning, Harry has become sort of blind to what his power should and shouldn't give him. Specifically, it shouldn't allow him to take Cath without her consent, regardless of whether she loves him. He struggles with that truth throughout. I did this a bit as a play on Harry's current celebrity, and the idea of what if he uses it wrong? So, in that sense I can't really relate to that. And Cath is star struck and would give him anything at first, but later finds her own voice and strength. I think most people think they would give Harry anything he wanted. Is that true? Not sure. So, I can't relate to that as much because I am older than he is, and married, but can relate to the fangirl dream in general, throughout my life.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
I was driving around Scotland on vacation after a book tour, and started thinking what if there was a prince who loved a commoner but did it all wrong to start? And it went from there. Because it doesn't fit our (my and my coauthor's) current style, I decided to post it as fic. We write as Christina Lauren. For our books, we get inspiration from everywhere: film, music, our own lives, tv, etc.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
Through word of mouth. We've posted a a few things here (including A Little Crazy) under our author name, but I wanted to write the fic. I used to write on but it's not as widely used now.

What has influenced your current style of writing?
The evolution of my writing over the past 10 or so years is from reading, writing and being edited, wanting to be better, etc.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
Never give up. But don't write with the idea that you'll become a huge star. Write if you can't get the story out of your head. Write because you love it. If it isn't genuine, readers can tell.



Thank you to sparkflarefire for doing the interview! I would definitely recommend reading No Fury!

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