Interview with Storytellr135

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I interviewed Lindsey, or storytellr135 next. She wrote the story I Can't Get Up, which, as of when I conducted this interview, has over 100k reads. I checked out her story and I was impressed at how sophisticated her writing is. Without further ado, here it is:


How did you find out about Wattpad?
I'm constantly on the internet, so it's easy for me to find a website and get addicted to it, as I am Wattpad:) But specifically Wattpad, I am in love with because of my passion for stories. One day, I decided to find some way to share my stories with the world, so I went to the most international place I could think of: the internet. Soon later, Wattpad came up and I literally loved it and am continuing to love it today.

What gives you inspiration for your stories?
Definitely the other books I read. I like fan fictions because you read about something you know so well of. Two(four if you count the sequels/spin-offs) are based on other book that I loved, but I also have books purely made through my own mind. Then It Hits Me is a plot that I thought might interest people and I am also planning another book of my own creation releasing hopefully soon;)

What was your reaction when your story got over 100k?
I literally prepared myself for it when I saw my numbers go up. I always thought to myself 'You'll hit 100k eventually right? Your numbers only go up and never down." Mentally, i was prepared, but the shock I received was still inevitable. One morning I woke up and bam! There it was, the most beautiful thing I've seen yet. Big thanks to my readers for nearly giving me a heart attack, haha

Do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad authors?
People message me about this a lot and I honestly have no idea how to respond. Good luck? Keep trying? Something I learned from being on Wattpad for close to a year is to not let the negatives get the best of you and this is a life lesson too. For example, I play softball (which is the exact same thing as baseball, but it's for girls) and if the pitcher throws the ball and you don't hit it and it becomes a strike, don't put yourself down because then, you'll never ever be able to hit the dang thing again. It's the same thing with writing

Who is your favorite author?
Easy question. My favorite author is yourstrulytrina on Wattpad because her book are heart warming and I admire her style of writing. Published author wise, I like Suzanne Collins and John Green comes close in second. 

Can you relate to any of the characters in Your stories?
If the character is mines, then I surely have something in common with them. In my story 'Then It Hits Me', there is a girl named Caitlin Mays, who is clumsier than clumsy, which is 100% based on moi

Do you see yourself still writing in ten years from now?
Maybe. I've considered this before and I could see it maybe working out. I've always somewhat liked attention, so even at a young age, i wanted to do something that would make my name known to the world, so I considered many of the arts including acting(which I still really want to do) and singing(too bad I sound like a rooster)

Is there anything specific you did to have your stories get so popular?
Actually not really. I know people like using the Share your Story threads, but to be honest, I've only ever used those things three or four times in my Wattpad career. I wouldn't say it worked wonders, but it did gain me a few reads, so go do that if you want. Whatever you do, don't do the read for read or vote for vote stuff because that person will most likely read your story once and go back to their life. It's better to have true readers than ones you buy. Remember, you can't buy friends.


Thank you to storytellr135 for answering the questions I asked her! Make sure you check out her stories and follow her.

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