Interview with Deethewriter

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Next we have Deethewriter, who's story I Am His PunchBag has almost 13k reads as of this interview. Here are her answers:


Who is your favorite author (It can be on Wattpad or in general)?

My favorite author is John Green, I'm a sucker for his books. I love and  

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?

Ever since I was a kid, I'd always read stories, I was -still are- a book worm. Writing is a huge part of my life, however I have a love-hate relationship with it at times.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 12k reads?

I was kind of shocked, but happy nonetheless.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads? 

Treat your story like your baby, you watch it grow, you can't expect one million reads in a week. Keep writing, not for anyone but you.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?

Kind of, I wish I was as strong as Angel, we just share a few things in common. But we're both sarcastic, and she's such a sweetheart. However Colette is pretty much like me. She always smiles, she is postive. Characters should turn into real people.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

I am his punchbag is inspired from the silent victims that are bullied, I wanted her to be a role model for them (even though she's fictional). She stands up to anyone who gets in her way. I turn everything I see into a story, with my own twist. It may also be a song I've heard.  

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?

My best friend had told me about it

What has influenced your current style of writing?

Probably the books I have read, I like to add a little splash of humor.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?

Don't give up, have fun while writing. Make sure to proofread your story, no one likes to read a story full of grammar mistakes.


Thank you to Dee for doing the interview!

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