Interview With TheRiverRunsDeep

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Next, I interviewed TheRiverRunsDeep, who has written many amazing stories. I have read nearly every single one and I can't believe she actually took part in my interview! As of this interview, in July 2014, her story I Dare You! has over 5 million reads. You should definitely go read some of her stuff. You'll get hooked. So, here's the interview:


Who is your favorite author?
My favorite author has to be Margaret Mitchell for two reasons: Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler. I have no idea why, but I love the rebellious, stubborn character Mitchell created when it comes to Scarlett O’Hara. As for Rhett Butler, I just adore his suave and the way he handles certain situations … Overall, I think it was a through and through masterpiece that if you don’t feel like reading, then you must watch the film…

What brought you to Wattpad?
Well, I was writing on FictonPress, for a long time, and when one story I was reading just stopped updating, I messaged the writer to ask why. She informed me that she was no longer going to update on FictionPress, but instead on a site called Wattpad. I was curious, and ended up checking out the website. After surfing the site for a while, I realized I really liked the site and ended up switching over all my works to Wattpad.

What was your reaction when you first got over one million reads?
Well, I was keeping an eye on my reads and saw it cross over 950,000 reads. When it did that I began to expect it to reach a million reads. But, when I first saw it had crossed over the million reads threshold, I was shocked. I squealed and the proceeded to call everyone in my phone.

Is there anything specific you did to have your story become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?
Well, I put myself out there in some of the clubs (on Wattpad) to get my works read. However, after a while I stopped and just focused on writing. I’m not sure what the ‘key’ was — but if I had to guess it was my passion for what I was writing. I, wholeheartedly, believe that if you are really into what you are writing and love it, it will show and people will feel the same…

Is there a writer who influenced your style of writing?
As far as style, no one has really influenced my style. I don’t read a whole bunch of published books, mostly Wattpad books. Even still, no one author has influenced my writing — honestly.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?
I, admittedly, put an attribute of myself in almost every main, female, lead in my stories.

In “Daddy Has A Shotgun But You Have My Heart” the main character Ethel is burned — just like me (due to a house fire).

In “I Dare You / I Got You” Savvy is hyper, goofy and addicted to caffeine, like I am.

“You’re Mine” the main female lead Vanessa has an alcoholic mom and parents that are divorced, like I do.

Brie from “Wanna Play A Game” has the characteristic of being a prankster, which I am (more so back when I wrote it).

“My Lovely Jerk”, Elle likes to get adrenaline rushes, which I do too.

I have more stories and some of the characters have other attributes of me, but I’ll not bore you anymore then I already have!

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?
Popular? I never consider myself popular, even now. But, I never thought in a million years that my writing would be read by this many people from all over the world. It amazes me the community that Wattpad has … All in all, I’m just blessed and happy to be apart of Wattpad…

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?
I’m not going to lie here, there will be ‘mean’ people on Wattpad, and even in your everyday life. Just don’t let what other people say stop you from living and doing what you want. And, no matter what kind of mood you are in (or what someone might say to you), just be nice to people via internet or in real life. You’d be amazed at how much it will pay off down the road…


Thank you so much to TheRiverRunsDeep for participating in this interview. Do check her out and follow her. 

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