Interview with Vision-of-Ecstasy

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Here's an interview with Vision-of-Ecstasy, whose story Wild Eyes ➸ [Harry Styles & Zayn Malik] has over 70k reads. She's a great writer and one I'd highly recommend!


Who is your favorite author?
My favorite author. Well wow, that one is very tricky. I admire a lot of authors but we can narrow them down to Stephen King, Stephanie Meyer, Lisa Renee Jones, J.K. Rowling and I admire the works of authors of classical literature and fiction

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?
I dropped out of university and I wasn't grasping my situation fully, until depression and boredom smacked me in my face. I began studying through correspondence but being at home full time was just murdering me on the inside and I sought for relief from Zayn's voice, till today whenever I'm out of it, he is a great help and after learning more about him, about the band I stumbled across Fanfiction which intrigued me and after reading the old time stories I thought deeply about creating my own ideas because these stories helped be in another world, helped someone escape such as other books do and I went on to create my own world with completely difficult situations to remind myself I can make it through my real life if my character can get through the tough times in her book. It was my world created in another world, sort of like play-pretend but for adults.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 70k reads?
Honestly, I can't remember. I have terrible memory which is why when I have an idea I need to jot it down immediately or else it's floats away into lost memories but if I were to guess, I would say I was rather excited and very grateful.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?  
Your hard work is everything, don't become sloppy just because you aren't getting reads. Yes it gets frustrating, trust me, even I've been there at some point and there are many people who tell you not to give up but without reads you tend to get somewhat demotivated. Try your best to keep yourself motivated continue working hard. Friendliness gets you a long way in the Wattpad community, you just need to find the people you click with and preferably people who are reading your genre. Don't just shove the idea of reading your book down their throat because after a while that may get annoying.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
I connect with my main character a lot, mainly because she's made up with some of my personality traits and I've just put pieces of myself and other traits to create Scarlet.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
Reading, music (apart from Zayn's) and a need to escape from time to time. That's were my inspiration comes from.

How did you find about this website?
I posted few Imagines on Instagram and someone suggested I post them on Wattpad and that's how I came across this site.

What has influenced your current style of writing?
I really like depth in writing, so quotes, deep POV's and the impact of my feelings at 3AM, basically deepness, sorrow, pain but my stories aren't based on solely on sorrow however I feel a writer needs to feel pain to write beautifully and fully connect with the characters.

Are there any other writers on Wattpad that you'd like to recommend for your readers? 
I have a lot of reader friends and curses to my bad memory I might skip or forget to mention a few so if you're looking for a good read. My reading list has some amazing ongoing books.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
It's tough but write to make you happy. You're going to feel demotivated when you log in on Wattpad and you have no new reads, votes or comments but as difficult as it gets you need to stay on top of your game and just keep writing. If you are having difficulty with that, take a breather and read other's work. Some people are very friendly and when you find them, treasure them, apart from reading your work, you'll gain a friend for life.
Stay away from clichés, I began my book a while ago and I'm disgusted by the cliches in it but some seem to enjoy it while others are there to pick on it, just have an idea and work on it. Read, you need to read! It's important for you to expand your vocabulary and pick up on the writing style you would like to use and for the love of God, don't compare your work to others, I do that and I upset myself but seriously don't! It will just make you feel crappy. Remember there is beauty in your work, all you have to do is find and connect with it.

And thank you very much Rima for giving me this opportunity to answer a few questions, I've shortened my answers but there's much more to my inspiration, my reasons etc. Once again thank you
- Zapph


Thank you to Zapph for doing the interview!

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