Interview With Luv_Directioner_Luv

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This interview is with Luv_Directioner_Luv. Her story The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought almost has 12k reads as of this interview. Enjoy!


Who is your favorite author (It can be on Wattpad or in general)?
My favorite books are The Hunger Games trilogy (yes, Peeta), so my favorite author has to be Suzanne Collins.

What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?
I've been writing ever since I was very little. I remember in second grade I won a writing contest and I think that's what really did it for me. I was and still am completely compelled by how words can create pictures and make the reader feel like they're in the actual story. Writing has become a huge part in my life and I hope to have a career involving it someday.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 10k reads?
When I started to write my story, I didn't expect to get a bunch of reads. I had a couple friends who I knew read it. So when I hit that 10k mark, I seriously lost my mind a little. It's crazy how so many people have read my ideas. It really let me know that I'm doing this and it's not bad.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?
Always keep trying! Try and promote your story on any social media you have. Stay positive as well. Some of the best creations take time to develop. Patience is key, and remember that you started writing for a reason. Don't get discouraged by how many reads you get. Write because it's your passion. Then one day your work will have paid off.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
Each girl character in my book relates to me somehow, however, I would say Nina from my Niall Horan trilogy is the one I can relate to the most. She's battled many things whether it be friendships or mental health, which I can relate to. Sometimes I'll read back those chapters and realize that I've sort of loosely based some of her experiences on mine. She has the job of songwriter for One Direction (and wouldn't we all love to be in that scenario?) As shocking as this sounds, I believe Nina has made me a stronger person. As I grew writing about her and how she has become stronger, I see it in myself too. So it's pretty amazing that I can relate to her.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
For this one, I can't be certain. I remember I was literally in the shower and the idea of TPL just came to me for some odd reason and I just ran with it. They say you do some of the best thinking while you're in the shower and late at night. I seriously don't even know where it comes from. But, I do have to say that if you're trying to think of a story plot, don't think hard. I tell this to myself and all of my friends that if you're writing, like, an essay, don't over think it. Let the words just flow out of your mind and onto the paper. I guarantee you will have your best ideas then.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?
I found out about Wattpad probably 3 or 4 years ago. I would search on Google those little One Direction imagines you would find under the images. Then I saw a link to Wattpad and I just found so many stories that I absolutely loved. I didn't have an account so I remember I kept, like, at least 10 tabs open at a time on my iPad with the stories I found and I checked every day to see if they were updated. After about a year of just reading other fanfics, I decided to try it for myself and thus Luv_Directioner_Luv was born.

What has influenced your current style of writing?
I've noticed that the past couple of years my interest in reading has skyrocketed. I read so much now and I believe that the more you read, the better your writing will be. If you read a vast amount of books then that's more knowledge. I came to see how the authors would present their ideas and that really influenced how I present mine. I see the key points of how to make it really interesting and how to make it grammatically correct so people will be more entertained. My friends have also influenced my writing. They write some things too and we share little ideas that we've come up with and that also helps me to write. So read a book!

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
Do what you want to do. There's also the 'never give up' type deal, but maybe that's what you want to do. Maybe you lost your interest in writing along the way, then it's okay. Don't write for the sole purpose of getting it out to others. There will be times where people will try and tear you down and tell you you're not good enough to write, but if you keep trying and ignore them, you'll be happier. As long as you want to do it, do it. Don't let anyone hold you back.

Thank you for interviewing me. This is actually pretty cool.


Huge thank you to Luv_Directioner_Luv for doing the interview!! Check out some of her work!!

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