Interview With JustAdriana

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I interviewed JustAdriana next, who has many great stories. I found her story The Broken Girl and I'm Not Her. I've noticed recently that her story I'm Not Her has been blowing up. It literally shows up everywhere! It currently has over seven million reads! Yay! Here's the interview:


Who is your favorite author?

My favorite author on Wattpad is @RiceLover and my favorite author in general has to be Veronica Roth.

Do you see yourself still writing in the future?

I see myself writing in the future, but not as a job. Maybe as a hobby or something. I don't know if I could actually see myself writing as a job because the idea is a little far-fetched.

What was your reaction when you first hit over one million reads?

When I first hit 1 million reads, I had to exit out and check again. It didn't really sink in until later because I kinda just stared at the computer screen because I couldn't believe it. I think I might have actually pinched myself because I didn't think it was actually happening.

Did you do anything specific to have your stories get so many reads?

I didn't do anything to make my stories become popular. To be completely honest, I expected maybe 1,000 reads at most, and the first time that happened, I was genuinely happy and surprised. I believe that my stories grew to be popular because I chose to write differently, not following plot lines other people have used. I wrote with everything I had, and I practiced, getting better and better. You really just have to have something that grabs people's attention.

Has anyone influenced your style of writing?

No, there really hasn't been anyone that has influenced me. I don't think so anyway.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories?

I can relate to MANY of my characters in my stories because some are loosely based off of my thoughts, though I think they're all a bit more confident than I am, and they actually do interesting things. I relate to them personality wise. They're all kinda sarcastic and blunt.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?

I never imagined myself in this position. I just thought Wattpad would be an on and off thing where I would write my ideas and hope for some comments off of them. I didn't really think any of my stories would get ranked or anything. I was excited when I hit 100 reads actually, and more excited when someone actually commented or voted. I can't believe how things have turned out.

Where did you find out about Wattpad?

I found out from my cousin who had a Wattpad before me. I got curious and I searched it up because it looked really interesting, and I love to read and write.

Do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?

My advice is to always be different. Don't use story lines that have already been used because people want something different. Think of something that no one has ever thought of before because that's your advantage. Secondly, write like you mean it. Write from your heart because that's where things truly matter. And don't write just for the heck of it or if you feel like you absolutely need to. Write because you love it. Lastly, it takes practice. DO NOT get frustrated when no one reads your stuff. Don't think you're bad because I can assure you, I used to be awful as well. It takes practice and time. My first stories sucked, but I practiced. I wrote a lot, and I'm happy with how my writing has evolved. Trust me, practice really counts in this. Practicing isn't just for sports and instruments - it counts in writing too.


Thanks to JustAdriana for being a part of this interview!

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