Interview with Cherry_Cola_x

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This interview is with Cherry_Cola_x, whose story The Bad Boy Stole My Bra has over 80 million reads. She has other stories as well, like I Almost Killed My Chrush's Mom and The Anti-Delinquent System, which have had a lot o success as well. She was honestly one of the first writers on wattpad whose work I took an interest in, so it was really cool to be able to interview her!


Are there any writers in the real world who you look up to or draw inspiration from?
I take inspiration from a lot of writers, but if I had to say one in particular I think it would have to be JK Rowling (cliche, obvious but also truthful). Evidently not so much in my choice of genre or plots, but rather her story as a writer. The fact that she was denied so many times by publishers, she was homeless and yet she still kept fighting is amazing motivation. Just look at how that work has paid off. I think she's inspirational and she gives hope to millions of writers across the globe- both in the fictional world and reality.

What inspired you to start writing in the first place? Is it a big part of your life?
Writing could not be a bigger part of my life. I started really young. I used to make up bed time stories for my little sister- I was probably about 7 years old- and my parents always encouraged me to write more, so I did. I loved english at school, and I won a blue peter badge for a poem when I was young- and I think from that point on i thought "This. This is me."

Obviously, your book 'The Bad Boy Stole My Bra' has had a TON of success. How do you feel about its popularity, and did it come as a surprise?
My god, the figures and support I get for TBBSMB shock me every time I look. I don't think I'll ever, ever get used to looking at that screen and seeing thousands and thousands of comments and votes and reads. It's amazingly overwhelming. I did know from the minute I came up with the idea of TBBSMB that I'd grabbed something different, something a little quirky. Never in my life would I have ever anticipated the success it got though. I was expecting a couple of hundred views max, not millions.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?
It sucks. It does suck that not everybody can and will get noticed- because the chances are that there are diamonds hiding in the masses that haven't been found yet. My only word of advice to you is not to give up. If writing is your dream, then do it for you. Write because you want to.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?
I think my three female protagonists are very closely linked to me. Riley was the product of 13 year me (the sass, the humour, but also the insecurity). Clumsiness and vulnerability from Lois was 15 year old Lauren. Erika at the minute is who I feel closest to (age 17) but I think all of my characters have part of me in them.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
I wouldn't say I have a singular place, but I do tend to come up with the titles first which I know is a little weird.

How did you find about this website?
A friend recommended it to me- she knew I loved to write. I started reading lots of books on Wattpad, and when I came up with the idea of TBBSMB and planned it for a long time, I decided to post the first chapter.

What, or who, has influenced your current style of writing?
My current style has influenced by a lot of things. Age is a biggy- my writing has changed a lot from TBBSMB to TADS. Studying more in English at school, learning more writers, reading more writers. I'm at the edge of adulthood, so I'm opened to a whole new spectrum of literature at the moment. My writing is kind of a mush between teen and adult.

Are there any other writers on Wattpad that you'd like to recommend for your readers?
Yeah, shoutout to my homie TaintedRain. She's such a talented little bean- I get lost in her stories and reread them over and over again.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?
Write the book you would like to read :)


Thanks again to Cherry_Cola_x for doing the interview!!

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