Interview With AllTimeNutella

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Then, I decided to ask Kirsty, who goes by the name of AllTimeNutella. She was one of the first authors on Wattpad who I really took an interest in. I have honestly learned a lot from the style of her writing,and I  definitely think you should go check her out. You get really hooked on to her stories, and not only that, but her covers are absolutely brilliant! Her story I will survive...with Louis Tomlinson? has over 13 millions reads, as of this interview.


Who is your favourite author?
F. Scott Fitzgerald (because he wrote my favourite ever book haha - the great Gatsby), john green (he wrote my 2nd favourite book - looking for Alaska) and j.k Rowling because i can never get bored of hazza p.

What inspires you to write stories on Wattpad?
Music predominately. If I’m not listening to music I’m either asleep or dead… ha ha, but seriously as soon as music starts playing my minds starts making up scenarios in my head. The amount of stories ideas I have saved in my drafts is crazy. I have whole stories planned out, sometimes I incorporate them into on going stories, sometimes they don’t or won’t ever see the light of day. But yes, music is literally what makes my brain tick. That and napping.

What was your reaction when you first hit over a million reads? How did you feel?
Amazed, mainly because i couldn’t believe that many people would want to read my work. (my English teacher at school told me writing stories wasn’t a strong point for me…true story)

Is there anything specific you did to have your stories become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?
Not really, I posted a couple chapters on tumblr at the beginning and that's about it. I’m not sure, my original stories weren’t that unique so I really have no idea why people read them, they are so bad!

Is there a writer on watt pad, or an author in general, who influenced your style of writing?
Well I met my best friend 1persephone through watt pad because she would always give me advice on how to write etc. And Suzanne Collins really put into perspective for me a strong female protagonist which was the big inspiration for Lennon in Decode.

Can you relate to any of the charters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?
Hmm, I can relate to pretty much all the characters on their music tastes ha ha because it’s my music taste. I can sorta relate to Lennon with her family issues but I don’t have the Italian mafia after me and I’ve never been in a plane crash so…

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in such a position? Not really, I wasn’t really aware of the popularity some stories had before I wrote my own, I just wrote for fun and the last thing I expected was that people actually read it.

How did you find out about this website? 
I was trying to find somewhere to read Harry Potter online but accidentally stumbled across a Draco fan fiction link on Google which landed me on Wattpad. Yep… I didn’t actually post anything for several months until I told my friend I’d write a story about her and Harry Styles and I remembered Wattpad and that’s how it all started

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?
Hmm… Firstly, don’t steal/copy someone else’s hard work that’s just being a butt head. Make sure your characters are captivating, they don’t have to be perfect because honestly who is? Keep the flow going. Update regularly, it helps keeping readers to stay with the story. Don’t write for fame or popularity, I don’t think that’s what writing should be about. Have fun! If writing becomes a chore, take a break, find a way to get your creative juices flowing and return to writing when you’re reading. You can’t rush great work.


I'd just like to thank Kirsty for allowing me to interview her. It was very kind of her, and I encourage you to go follow her and check out some of her work.

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