Interview with Wewereinfinate

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I interviewed wewereinfinate next, because I truly enjoy her work and I think that she deserves a good interview. Her story Hard to Love has over 100k reads, as of this interview. So, without further ado, here we go:


What inspired you to write Hard To Love?
Um, as far as inspiration goes, I've always been a writer, which started originally as short stories and short memoirs of things that happened to me when I went through a really hard time in life. but what inspired me to write Hard to Love was josh hutcherson. period. I feel he's got such a good heart and he's so talented and I had this idea because i like the idea of broken things being fixed, so I took my love for josh and my love for writing and put them together and that was the outcome! haha

What inspired you to write on Wattpad in General?
I started writing on wattpad because I wanted people to see my work. I was ready for people to see what I was capable of, and wattpad was the most popular publishing site for young authors that I knew!

What was your reaction when you got over 100k reads?
I was excited that 100k+ people were finally reading my story!! it may not seem like a lot of reads compared to some books on here, but it's plenty to be proud of to me!

Is there anything specific you did to have your story become so popular? If not, why do you think it did so well?
I didn't promote my story or anything, which mainly was why I was so shocked when I got over as little as 10 reads on it when it started! I think a lot of people read, and continue to read, my story is because it's relatable and you can connect with my characters on so many levels. same with my other two stories! and also a lot of people I think share the same love for josh hutcherson.

Is there a writer who influenced your style of writing?
My style of writing is strongly influenced by john green. mainly because I love how he uses strong female characters with complex minds and solid personalities. and I love how he doesn't dumb down the teenager stereotype. I like to show how teenagers and young adults can be some of the most intelligent and strong willed people in this world.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories? If so, who and in what ways?
Yes yes yes. Stella is largely based off of me apart from a few things, because you don't want to make your characters exactly like you for the reason that it then becomes an autobiography instead of a work of fiction. but I always create my characters around personal life experiences to make them more relatable.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?
No, definitely not. I wrote to get my imagination into words, and I never thought anyone would enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it.

How did you find out about Wattpad?
Honestly, Google. but what can't be found on Google, right?

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad authors?
Write for yourself. if you have a story in your mind, WRITE IT, PUBLISH IT. don't get discouraged if it doesn't automatically get 100 reads on the first chapter. just keep writing. don't write for anyone but yourself. if you try writing to please everyone else, you aren't going to enjoy it. just remember, do you think Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in hopes that every 16 year old in the world would have to study it? Also, I'm always up to read anyone's stories on here and give them any more advice that they may seek! don't be shy, I'm happy to help! :)

Thank you for asking me these questions omg it literally made my day!!


I would just like to thank wewereinfinate for allowing me to interview her. Please go follow her and make sure to check out some of her work. 

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