Interview with Floats

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I interviewed Floats next. I had found her story Bra Boy on the list of recommendations on the Wattpad home page. That story has over 3 million reads as of this interview. I recommend checking it out. Here’s the interview:


Who is your favorite author?
Sylvia Plath is probably my favorite author, just because the Bell Jar and her poetry have made such an impact on me.

What inspired you to write Bra Boy?
I went to a bra shop with my mom and the store was basically identical to how I describe Bare It. I knew from the second I walked in that I needed to write a book about it.

What was your reaction when you first hit over a million reads?
I was ecstatic. I honestly never thought a book of mine could reach that level of popularity and the moment it did I couldn't even express how happy I was.

Is there anything specific yo did to have your stories become so popular?
No, I just wrote a book and hoped that a few people would enjoy it. I think the idea of it was kind of shocking - 'bra boy' isn't exactly said often - so readers came in because of curiosity. 

Are there any writers who’ve influenced your style of writing?
I think reading a lot of Sarah Dessen, John Green and Meg Cabot over the years has shaped my writing voice. They showed different ways of being fearless in writing and I like to think I've been on the path to do the same.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories?
Absolutely, I can relate to each of my characters massively. I basically took one of my personality traits and expanded upon it for each of them.

Did you ever expect that your stories would become so popular?
No, never. I had been on this website for what felt like forever before people started really reading and I had just accepted I would never become crazily popular at that point.

How did you find out about Wattpad?
I really wanted a place to put my writing so I looked around for highly recommended ones and sure enough, I found this one.

Do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?
Don’t be afraid to write what you want to write!! Only writing books for the sake of being popular isn't what this is about. It's about having an outlet and I can guarantee you'll enjoy it more if you're writing something you want to. 


 Thank you to Floats for taking a part in this interview. Go follow her and check out her stories.

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