Interview With Katrocks247

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I interviewed Katrocks247 next, after I finished reading Death is My BFF. It's wonderful and very creative, now with over 9 million reads, as of this interview, and I recommend it for sure.


Who is your favorite author?
Karen Marie Moning

What inspired you to write Death is My BFF?
I read this really bad book about the Grim Reaper and he was really boring and one-dimensional. I decided take a more...interesting approach with Death.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 1 million reads?
I think I was blown away that people actually liked my stuff, but at the same time I had worked really hard to get where I was so I expected it haha.

How did you get your stories to become s popular?
I did what everyone else does and advertised my stories for a while in groups on Wattpad. People realized that I'm no ordinary writer and then my reads kind of exploded! It was crazy!

Did any particular authors influence your style of writing?
I don't really think my style fits any of the authors I've read. I try to be as unique as possible.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories?
I can relate with Faith (the rewrite version) because she puts people in their place but she's a sucker for the bad boys. Or, in her case, an evil force of nature who eats souls.

Before your stories became so popular, did you ever imagine that you'd be in this position?
This is going to sound cocky, but I've always imagined myself as a popular author. However, I don't think it's quite hit me yet how much support I have on this website, which is weird!

How did you find out about wattpad?
I googled places where you can upload a story onto a website for people to read. I hadn't written any of my stories until the day I made an account on Wattpad.

Do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad authors?
Never force yourself to write just because you want to be an author! If you're forcing yourself, writing isn't for you. It should come naturally, from your mind and your soul. Don't force yourself to become someone you're not, or else you won't truly be happy.


Thank you to Kat for participating! Go check her and her amazing stories out!

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