Interview with JustinsAvenger

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I interviewed Justinsavenger next, because I hadn't interviewed anyone who had gotten it big with a Justin Bieber fan fiction. Her story Claimed has nearly 12 million reads as of this interview. All of ya'll JB fans check out her story and give her some positive feedback.


Who's your favorite author?

My favourite author is Erin Hunter.

What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

I always read fan fiction on wattpad and that inspired me to create my own.

How did you feel when you first hit a million reads?

I was absolutely ecstatic! I was so surprised and happy that my story was enjoyable to read. I was so grateful for everyone reading and voting.

Did you do anything to get your stories to become so popular? If not, why do you think they did so well?

I never did anything to get my story popular, it just kept growing bigger and bigger and for that I am so thankful. I think the fact that I work hard on this story and my plot line is different from other stories.

Are there any author's, whether it's on wattpad or a published author, that have influenced your style of writing?

I love SuperSabrina 's style of writing. It's flawless.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories?

I can relate to Brooke, in the fact that I try to act tough and I am very stubborn. But in the end I'm a complete sap who never looses feelings for people.

Did you ever expect to be in this position?

No way, I never imaged I'd be where I am today. It still shocks me.

What introduced you to Wattpad?

I honestly don't remember, I think a few friends told me to read certain books.

Do you have any advice for up and coming wattpad writers?

I advise them to create their own, unique story line. Typical stories are boring to read and get over-played. I advise them to never give up and write because you enjoy it, not because anyone is forcing you to do so,

When did you start liking J-Biebs and why?

I started liking him in about 2011, I loved his music and I thought he was the cutest thing in the world. I love him and writing about him just makes writing in general a million times more fun.


Thank you to Steph for taking part in this interview! Her answers were right on point.

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