Interview with Storyofmylife5

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Next, I interviewed Alex, with the user name Storyofmylife5, who is the author of Kiss Me Tenderly, a Harry Styles Fan fiction. Fan fictions are super popular, racking up tons and tons of reads. As of right now, June of 2014, Kiss Me Tenderly has over 2.7 million reads. Here's the interview:


What inspired you to write Kiss Me Tenderly?

I got really good idea by reading another story and just started writing that day. Changed my life forever too.

What inspired you to write Stories on Wattpad in general?

Finding other amazing writers and seeing that they started off small and grew. Which made me think maybe I could too.

What was your reaction when you hit over a million reads? How did you feel?

Okay so this a funny one.... I was on my way home from school on the bus and I checked my phone to find out what my reads were for my friend and then saw that it was over 1,000,000 and sat shocked for about a good 10 mins and then i started to cry and smile like a idiot. And I felt blown away and fantastically amazing. I never thought I would get past a 1,000 less alone 1,000,000.

Is there anything specific you did to have your story(s) become so popular? If not, why do you think you did so well?

I did a lot of tags about the story. I posted about it on social media websites. Also i owe a lot of it to the fans because they promoted it non stop to other people.

Is there a writer on Wattpad who influenced your style of writing?

Not on the top of my head no. But I do love to read other stories to find ways to improve my writing.

Can you relate to any of the characters in your stories. If so, who and in what ways?

Almost all my characters are based off of me and times in my life in all different ways. I get really into my characters in a personal way.

Before your stories became so popular, could you ever imagine yourself to be in a such a position?

No way hell.

How did you find about Wattpad?

My best friend and I'm glad she did.

Lastly, do you have any advice for up and coming Wattpad writers?

It is kinda slow at first but over time you'll get known. Don't change for anyone just because they don't like it. And make sure that it is your story and no one else's. Also remember to have fun because if you are not having fun while writing then there is no point.


I would just like to thank Storyofmylife5 for allowing me to interview with her. Please, go check out Kiss Me  Tenderly. You'll enjoy it, whether or not your not a fan of 1D. Follow Storyofmylife5 as well.

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